Acting : Virtual table read by Rob Tobin

Rob Tobin

Virtual table read

ACTORS: VIRTUAL TABLE READ. I'm a produced screenwriter and I'm casting for actors and an audience for a full virtual table read of my latest feature script, "The Good Americans." The goal is to get feedback for a rewrite and possibly putting it up as a stage play. Once we have a full list we'll schedule the read. No pay, but hopefully it'll be fun and valuable as a networking opportunity. For more info, please contact me at:

Feel free to repost or forward to those who may be interested. Thank you.

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Rob Tobin. You can also post an ad in the Job Section ( Hope the table read goes great!

Sam Sokolow

I am such a fan of table reads - every writer should use them when they finish a draft. Bravo for doing this, Rob!

Aileen Bailin

Hey Rob, I’m an agent in the area. What roles are you looking to fill?

Niki H

Table reads are fantastic and good for ALL the creatives involved. You may want to share a bit more about exactly what you’re looking for if you don’t post in the jobs section.

Marina Sastro Joesoef

How do I sign up?

Ashley Renee Smith

This is such a fun idea, Rob Tobin! Be sure to keep us updated about how it goes!

Barry Culver

I’ll send over that email! This is an exciting opportunity!

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