Anything Goes : Help with receiving pitch response by Jed Power

Jed Power

Help with receiving pitch response

On 3-24-23 I sent $35 for written pitch with Jake Martin. Only thing I've receieved back is, a "submission Review " page. Even if he hated what I sent ,shouldn't I get at least a couple of words of comment? Things like this make me leery of upgrading to Writers Room or buying other services. With slow dashboard, I can't find out who to contact about this? Help, Please?

Maurice Vaughan

Reach out to Sam Mannetti, Jed Power. He's Stage 32's Director of Development Services.

Jed Power

Thanks, Maurice . Have contacted twice, No response. I wanted to pitch someone else but will now pass. Uou know--" once Bitten ..."

Leonardo Ramirez

Jed Power That pitch doesn't happen until May 12th. You will get your response sometime after that.

Leonardo Ramirez

The date circled is the date of the pitch session.

Josiah Bhola Hillaire

Good luck Jed Power

Pete Conrad

Did you ever hear back, Jed? BTW, you and I revolve in the same circle here in NH. In fact, my wife has read two of your books - and I have set a film at the Casino. Good luck!

Jed Power

hi Pete. No I never heard back I would love to read your casino script Best, Jed.

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