I like to send out an ad for my storyboard services to my contacts every few months. I remember during the lockdown a couple of years ago getting some nasty feedback from people because I tried to drum up business while everything was shut down. With the writer's strike currently going, would it be bad form to send it out?
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Douglas Brown That's a great question, Douglas. I would suggest connecting with some executives in Animation here on Stage 32 for the answer. They may have some valuable insight for you.
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Douglas Brown When you send out ads, what do you mean? Are blanket emailing contacts, DMing on social media, or just posting or paying for ads that run on social media.?
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I like to send out an email blast to people I've worked with to keep me in mind when they need boards. I've found that ads don't work, at least, not with my budget. I haven't tried DMing yet. I'll comment on people's feed to build a presence and let them know I'm available. What strategies have other people tried?
Should a poor man earn his own food while the rich are on strike?
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Douglas Brown I don't see a problem with email blasts to preexisting clients as long as there are not too many in a year. I would suggest four times a year at most. If people have a problem with that -then that's on them. Other than that, keep posting your work on LinkedIn, Facebook, or wherever, and point out that you are available. Also, send your portfolio to all of the studios twice a year when they haven't posted for work, and definitely apply when they do. Finally, follow or friend recruiters on Linkedin and see what they suggest for contacting them and the companies they work for. Good luck!