Introduce Yourself : Brooklyn Filmmaker by Christopher Wells

Christopher Wells

Brooklyn Filmmaker

Happy Friday everyone!!! I'm a Brooklyn based filmmaker who likes to collaborate with awesome people in the area. I specialize in producing, directing writing and I guess editing. I am looking for projects to get involved with (not as an investor). So if you have a script and the funding I can help produce your film through pre-to post. Right now I have a feature documentary that will be doing its festival run which I'm excited about. Feel free to reach out and say hello.

Maurice Vaughan

Happy Friday, Christopher Wells. I have family in Brooklyn. When I was younger, I worked with a Brooklyn producer on some scripts.

Leonardo Ramirez

Christopher Wells Great to meet you Christopher! What genres of film do you prefer to work on?

Nick Waters

Great to connect!

David Abrookin

Welcome, Christopher! Big fan of Brooklyn and I hope you let all the interesting people and stories there inspire your work.

Ashley Renee Smith

Thank you for taking the time to reintroduce yourself to the community, Christopher Wells!

Christopher Wells

I’m not sure how to reply to a specific person on this. Maurice, what part of Brooklyn? I love it here, a lot of filmmakers reside here so I’m sure it wasn’t hard finding a producer.

Christopher Wells

Leonardo as a writer I write all sorts of genres so my interests are vast. Right now I’m working on a horror but I have a documentary that is beginning its festival run. Some people think I’m a “horror” producer but I produce all sorts of genres. Anything that I think has a good story or is a little different. I have a website that is a bit…weird I guess, that I like to produce. What about you? What are you working on and do you prefer a specific genre?

Maurice Vaughan

You can reply to a person by putting @ before their name, Christopher Wells. I'm not sure which part of Brooklyn they live in. I've never been, but I've been to Manhattan. DON’T LITTER IN PROSPECT PARK!! is still one of my favorite short films.

Christopher Wells

Maurice Vaughan thank you for teaching me how to reply to someone and I’m so happy you enjoyed my short film. I’ve been posting some really offbeat shorts on my channel recently which have been fun.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Christopher Wells. Ok, I'll check them out.

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