Hi - I'm Laura Preble, and I've been writing since I was old enough to hold a pencil. I have mostly been a novelist, and have branched out into screenwriting over the past three years. My screenplay Anna Incognito won this year's Feature Drama Screenwriting competition; it's based on the novel of the same name (also by me.) I'm working on several other projects right now, and looking forward to meeting more people through Stage 32.
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Congrats on the win! So nice to meet you, Laura!
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Nice to meet you too. Your name looks very familiar.
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"You stay classy, San Diego." —Ron Burgundy
I saw on your profile you're from San Diego, Laura Preble. :D
Congratulations on "Anna Incognito" winning the Feature Drama Screenwriting competition!!! I really like the title!
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Not real sure how classy I am...I am originally from Ohio. :)
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Hi Laura Preble! So glad that you're here and I'm so excited to work with you on ANNA INCOGNITO!!!
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Congratulations on the win, Laura. Nice to meet you
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Congratulation Laura Preble and welcome!
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Haha Laura Preble. Have you seen the "Only in Ohio" memes?
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Laura Preble congratulations and welcome to the IYW.
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Welcome to the Stage 32 community, Laura Preble!