Introduce Yourself : Great to meet you. by Demian Cuthbertson

Great to meet you.

Pleasure’s mine

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Demian Cuthbertson. What's going on in the picture?

Demian Cuthbertson

Hey Maurice! Happy Saturday. I do believe this is the new owner of twitter trying to see if the guy not on fire might be interested in buying it for pennies on the dollar.

Calix Lewis Reneau

Maurice - it's the album cover to Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here" - and yes, most of those words only make sense to someone alive last century, LOL!

Glenn Callwood


Maurice Vaughan

Happy Saturday, Demian Cuthbertson. Looks like they made a deal. :D

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Calix Lewis Reneau. The two men almost look like the same person.

Ashley Renee Smith

Welcome to the Stage 32 community, Demian Cuthbertson!

Demian Cuthbertson

Thank you Ashley, it’s great to be here! I hope you had a great - introduce yourself - weekend!

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