Screenwriting : Script Coverage. by Marcel Nault Jr.

Marcel Nault Jr.

Script Coverage.

As I have made the move to do my first live pitch next Monday, I am thinking about sending my first script for a full coverage.

Any advice for someone who is constantly doubting if it's the right move or not? lol What service should I take? Are there other options besides Stage 32?

Miguel Antônio

Hi, hm...I have a question if you can answer it: What are the ways to publicize the project or script?

Marcel Nault Jr.

Miguel, good question. I really don't know... I am not the stage when I can think of the marketing for the script yet. I've just finished it and I'd like some feedback first before thinking about that.

Oliver Mann

Hey Marcel. Inbox me

Cooper Shahan

You could do what I'm doing lol. Send it to the annual contest PAGE AWARDS. I'm in it this year. I'm just doing a free trial on here lol because I was offered one from here stage 32 through the PAGE AWARDS contest. It's too late to enter PAGE AWARDS for this year but you can try next year if you don't feel like this stage32 gets you anywhere? plus seems like they offer good prizes THE PAGE, if you think you're really confident about your script being good. Just another advice for you to consider.

Maurice Vaughan

I haven't used the full coverage on Stage 32 yet, Marcel Nault Jr., but I've heard great things about it. Hope the executive, etc. loves your pitch!

Maurice Vaughan

You can post your loglines, synopses, and scripts in the Logline Section of your profile, Miguel Antônio. It's a great way to get eyes on your projects.

Miguel Antônio

I even played Maurice Vaughan, but I didn't post the script for fear of being stolen. Should I send it anyway? It's for a series, but the new season came out this month, so I wanted to be able to show people what I want and if I need to change some things.

Maurice Vaughan

I wouldn't let fear hold me back from posting my projects on here, Miguel Antônio. Just make sure you register your scripts with the U.S. Copyright Office first (

What do you mean "It's for a series, but the new season came out this month"?

Kelly Namey

Do a consult with an exec of your choice. Incredibily helpful and you can ask questions.

J. Austin Gentry

Hi Marcel, I've had some success with these guys... , also solid advice from Maurice, you should have your script registered with US copyright.

Linda Wright

Hi, Marcel,I do script editing/consulting and happy to schedule a call. Please email

Miguel Antônio

Maurice Vaughan , is that the project I made is to be part of a series that is running, a new season was released this month, so I wanted to be able to submit my project to be included in the series. If not a problem

Maurice Vaughan

I just wanna make sure I understand, Miguel Antônio. You wrote a project that's based on a series that's already out?

Audrey-Rose Savard

Is it Black Mirror or another anthology series like that?

Dan MaxXx

You should ask a script consultant for notes, not coverage.

Miguel Antônio

Yes Maurice Vaughan, that is a problem?

Maurice Vaughan

It might be difficult to get a producer, director, production company, etc. to read your script because it's based on a series that's already out, Miguel Antônio. At least that's what I've heard from other screenwriters. I suggest writing a spec script based on your original idea or something in the public domain.

Miguel Antônio

Okay Maurice Vaughan, but I'm just saying, a director read part of my script and he was interested in what I wrote, and he referred me to Stage32 because they don't hire writers where he works, but he said they go through a writers union. So that's why I'm here. If not a problem.

Petal Braxton

Hello Marcel Nault Jr.! How are you? The script now needs to be read and notes given.

Maurice Vaughan

That's great that the director was interested in what you wrote, Miguel Antônio. "he said they go through a writers union." This might help you out ( Keep in mind the WGA is on strike right now.

Marcel Nault Jr.

Petal, the script is finished... However, this isn't the polished product yet. I still have to work on it, submit it to the WGA first and pitch it, which will happen tomorrow night on Skype.

Marcel Nault Jr.

Quick update, guys:

After much deliberation in my mind, I decided to take the risk and register my script with the WGA-W. Don't even try stealing it! :P

Maurice Vaughan

I suggest registering your script with the U.S. Copyright Office, Marcel Nault Jr. ( A WGA registration doesn't give your script much protection.

Marcel Nault Jr.

Maurice Vaughan Darn... I'll consider that as well. Thanks, man.

Danny Manus

Dont bother getting coverage - get NOTES. Get real pro feedback from someone with experience who will give you indepth, actionable, constructive notes. im happy to help over at No BullScript. 14 years strong and ive got low cost options too!

Miguel Antônio

Hi Maurice Vaughan, sorry if I asked this question, I'm kind of new to screenwriting, but how does this ( Do you have to pay anything?

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Miguel Antônio. It's ok. Ask any questions you want.

Yes, registering a script with the U.S. Copyright Office costs. The cost to fill a Single Application is $45.00. The Single Application is used to register one script (that's created by one person).

Miguel Antônio

Wow... so it's not possible, as I live in Brazil, paying in dollars costs me a lot :( . What do I do.

Geoff Hall

Marcel Nault Jr. Hi Marcel, I would say do your homework. Make sure that the person you choose to do the coverage works in your genre and with a similar ‘feel’ to your project.

Maurice Vaughan

Have you thought about registering your scripts with the copyright office in Brazil, Miguel Antônio? The price might be lower than the U.S. Copyright Office. I took a look around this website ( It looks like the copyright office in Brazil, but I suggest contacting them to be sure.

Ewan Dunbar

Getting coverage for the first time can be daunting but it is a great step in improving your work and getting used to the notes process. You can take or leave the comments as you see fit, but try to understand where the note is coming from .

Asmaa Jamil

I still remember getting feedback from my first review. It was upsetting and I did not touch any of my writing for a while. Then I did another review, and the feedback was positive. I then did what Geoff Hall recommends, send the script to people in your genre, which I did not do in the first review. It's all a learning process and your story maybe a great story but not a right fit for the person reviewing it, even if they are in the same genre. Best of luck.

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