Introduce Yourself : All I want to know is... by Kristen Painter

Kristen Painter

All I want to know is...

How do I get my books into the right hands to have them turned into TV or movies? I get reader requests all the time for one of my best selling series to become a TV show, but obviously, I can't do that. I need to sell the rights. I just don't know how to make it happen - or how to even get noticed by the people who can.

I write light, fun paranormal romance (the town celebrates Halloween 365 days a year as a gimmick to draw tourists but also so that the paranormal creatures that live there can just be themselves). I also write cozy paranormal mysteries, and paranormal woman's fiction (I have one series that would be a DYNAMITE movie for an older actress to star in - mob wife turns vampire.)

So. How do I find the people that can help me? I have a literary agent but she doesn't do much for me these days.

Leonardo Ramirez

Hi Kristen Painter ! We're glad you're with us. The first thing I'd suggest is sending over an email to and let them know where you are. Also, Sydney at can suggest some classes to take to make that transition. Not sure if you're wanting to have someone else write your screenplays or do it yourself but if the latter, I'm sure they have classes for that. I made the writing transition myself and love the process. It's a totally different animal but as long as you're patient with yourself, you can do it. Hope this helps!

Kristen Painter

Hi Leonardo, I don't want to write the screen plays. I don't have the time (too busy writing books) or the inclination. I just want to sell the rights and let someone else do the rest. You really think there's a class for that? I can't imagine what it would be. lol

Amanda Toney

Hi Kristen! You're in the right place and will find all the support you need here. We have some great webinars that talk about this: and I'd also suggest putting up a post in the Producing lounge (click lounge on your top menu bar, then click producing). Keep us posted on how it goes!

Vincent J Paterno

Light, fun paranormal romance? Right up my alley! I write rom-com feature scripts, such as my "Stand Tall!" (LOGLINE: A Vegas casino waitress accidentally tripled in size becomes a showroom star, falling in love with and vowing to rescue the kidnapped scientist whose mishap made her a giant.) Currently, I'm writing a time-travel comedy set in Hollywood.

Maurice Vaughan

Nice to meet you, Kristen Painter. I've heard of authors selling the rights to their books without scripts being involved. Someone in the Authoring & Playwriting Lounge ( might know more about the process.

And I suggest building relationships/networking with producers here on Stage 32. It could lead to a sale.

Ashley Renee Smith

Welcome to the Stage 32 community, Kristen Painter!

I second Maurice Vaughan's suggestion that you check out the Authoring Lounge, here at Stage 32. It's a great place to network, pose questions, join discussions about the adaptation process, etc. You can find the lounge through the toolbar at the top of your browser window. Simply click on "Lounge", which will direct you to a new page listing all of the current lounges available to you. Then select "Authoring/Playwriting". I hope to see you over there!

Bruce Radek

Hi Kristen. Nice to meet you and hope we can chat.

Niki H

Hi Kristen, nice to meet you! You can also check out our Adaptation service where you can talk with an executive about the adaptation process and determine what would be good steps for you.

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