Introduce Yourself : "If you don't know me by now," by Jack Hilkewich

Jack Hilkewich

"If you don't know me by now,"

Hello everyone. I am a creative director in a media company by day and a guy trying to make "stuff" at night. During the day I work, mainly, on creating content for VR. This can be games, training, and experiential modules. I used to work exclusively in TV and film for many years, but I have been doing this for the last decade. A couple of years ago I decided to try and get back into the film business and wrote my first feature script. That script was just recently purchased and will go into production next year. I have currently finished a first draft of an action film. I am also in post-production on my feature-length documentary.

I have several other scripts in the incubator, but I am unsure which one to focus on: A TV comedy series, a Rom-com, a Family, or a science fiction feature.

Nice to meet you all and I just want to say that I find this place filled with very positive people who are always cheering others on.

Geoff Hall

Jack Hilkewich welcome to the IYW, Jack. Check out the various lounges, educational and script services as well as build your network. I’m sure you’ll find the direction you need for future projects, right here. All the best, Geoff

Maurice Vaughan

"Scripts in the incubator." Can I use that, Jack Hilkewich? :D

Amanda Toney

Glad to have you here Jack Hilkewich and I'm thrilled that when your VR work shuts off your writing brain turns on. Congrats on your script sale, where is your film going into production? US or another country. As for your next script - those are so varying in genre and type....ask yourself, which characters do you want to hang out with through the rest of the year and hopefully you will have your answer. Keep in mind, they'll be hanging out with you at the beach during the summer, when the leaves change in fall, during Halloween and into the make sure they are REALLY the ones you want to hang out with before you type FADE IN :)

Jack Hilkewich

Geoff Hall Thanks!

Maurice Vaughan you sure can!

Amanda Toney Thanks. The film will be shot in the US. I think in Louisiana. The first and the current scripts have been kind of dark in tone so I think I will do the family one next. I think I need a palette cleanse.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Jack Hilkewich. Did you get your intro title from the song?

Jack Hilkewich

Maurice Vaughan , yes I did!

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