Introduce Yourself : Screenwriter/Producer/Social Entrepreneur by Ousmane Ndoye

Ousmane Ndoye

Screenwriter/Producer/Social Entrepreneur

Hello everyone,

I am Ousmane Ndoye, a screenwriter, a producer, and a social entrepreneur based in Denver Colorado. Originally, I am from Senegal - West Africa; and since 2014 I have been working with young African filmmakers across Africa collaborating with them through our nonprofit organization called Askkanwii Filmmaking Hub which focuses on providing access to capacity building, technical support and professional guidance. If you are interested to explore new filmmaking adventures in Africa, welcome on board.

Take care everyone.

Ousmane Ndoye

Richard "RB" Botto

Thrilled to have you here, my friend. Our community from Africa continues to grow by leaps and bounds. Fantastic to have you in the community.

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Ousmane Ndoye. Askkanwii Filmmaking Hub sounds incredible and the website is outstanding!

Leonardo Ramirez

Hello Ousmane Ndoye - so honored to meet you! I love it that you work to encourage and inspired young filmmakers across Africa. Glad you are with us!

Ousmane Ndoye

Thanks Richard, Thanks Maurice, Thanks Leonardo

Africa is in the house and we are here to empower, share, and work with one another !

The sky is not the limit.

Richard "RB" Botto

Love your energy, Ousmane Ndoye. And you're absolutely correct, the sky is never the limit, just a signpost on the journey.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Ousmane Ndoye. "The sky is not the limit." That's a powerful saying!

Mary A. Byron

Hello Ousmane, Nice to meet you. I lived in South Africa and working on a film project and returning in a few months. Do you work with any producers there? Congrats on your work, Mary

Morne Patterson

Hey Ousmane Ndoye great to meet you :)

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