Hello to you amazing creatives!
Writing this post from Fairfield, Iowa--home of the Maharishi International University and the online school David Lynch Screenwriting MFA program. Last time I was here, I was about to graduate. Now, I have my Screenwriting MFA (to accompany a Dramatic Writing MFA from NYU), and like all's-y'alls, facing the current reality of the Writers and Actors tandem strike. I'm thoughtful about having received a degree at this uncertain time.
Nonetheless, I am taking a scene from my MFA Thesis project JACKSON, WYOMING, and expanding it to become a short film/proof of concept. I took some time off of writing after graduating, and now I'm back into it. In addition to the short, I'm working on a script that I've been putting together in between terms of my grad program. I hope to get it done by the end of the year.
My original plan was to graduate and then stay here in Iowa for a couple of months and hightail it for L.A. Part of that plan included finishing up this 2-week spiritual course I'd signed up for at MIU. But the Writers Strike (now in tandem with the Actors Strike), along with the need to postpone the 2-week course until December, have caused me to decide on staying in Iowa until February 2024. There are pluses and minuses for getting there in September vs. February, but I chose to stay in Iowa more to save money before the Cali sojourn. I will also have hopefully completed the short I intend to me. (It's a winter scene, so Iowa would probably be better than California just for that reason alone.)
I would love to connect with everyon, but especially people in Iowa and writers and actors with a connection to the Mountain West. I consider myself a regional writer, and that's where most of my scripts take place.
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Hi there, nice to meet you.
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Great to meet you Richard! Would love to learn more about what you are working on and point you to all the resources we have to offer on Stage 32. Shoot us an email at success@stage32.com and let us know a little more about your scripts and goals! Cheers!
Congratulations on getting your Screenwriting MFA, Richard Morell!!! :D
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Thank you for taking the time to reintroduce yourself to the community, Richard Morell!
You can also coordinate a local meet-up for your area with other Stage 32 members. All you have to do is go to "Browse" in your top toolbar, then select "Stage 32 Meetups". That will redirect you to the Meetups page. In the page menu on the left-hand side, you can choose "Add a Stage 32 Meetup" to post your information. We're hoping to identify members in the community who have an interest in hosting Stage 32 meetups in different places around the world in August!
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Sounds great, Ashley