Introduce Yourself : Michael Bryan by Michael Bryan

Michael Bryan

Michael Bryan

I'm an aspiring author, screen-writer, and independent filmmaker. I have written three screenplays, (1 Drama (The Ticket), 1 Horror (The Commune), 1 Sports (Nevaeh). I also have two documentaries (Girl Dad, Life in Quarantine, My Brother's Bus--available on Youtube). I am from an area where there isn't many opportunities for writers, or filmmakers in general. My goal is to break into the industry, using my passion and creativity, to make a positive impact in the world. I've never been a part of a community with the similar passion of mine, like storytelling, and I'm excited to share my work with others who have similar interests. Any tips to breaking into the industry, let me know.

Ashley Renee Smith

Thank you for taking the time to reintroduce yourself to the community, Michael Bryan!

The best way to network here on Stage 32, is just to put yourself out there by posting, commenting, and connecting with people from all over the world. The most effective networking comes from building genuine relationships over time. A great way to start is by checking out the Lounges where you can join discussions, pose questions that you may have, provide advice or insights, and share news/announcements that interest you.

Sam Mannetti

Welcome Michael! Would love to learn more about what you are working on and point you to all the resources we have to offer on Stage 32. Shoot us an email at and let us know a little more about your scripts and goals! Cheers!

Michael Bryan

Number One Goal: Make an impact

Marcel Nault Jr.

Hello Michael! Pleased to make your acquaintance. You're not the only one who is trying to break out of that mold, trust me.

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Michael Bryan. How's it going? I remember watching your "Girl Dad Life in Quarantine" documentary. It's still one of my favorite short documentaries.

I second what Ashley Renee Smith and Sam Mannetti said. I don't know if you've checked out this blog, but it has tips on how to find success on Stage 32:

Wahayn Inello Clayton

Make your Impact, Michael!

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