Fellow filmmakers, do you have a passion for drama/thriller movies? Are you looking to write and pitch a short film in those genres, ideally with the help of a partner? If so, I may have something of interest for you. I’m working on a short fiction script. It tells the story of the granddaughter of the man who climbed Everest. She has a burning desire to outdo her grandfather’s record.
When the script is ready, I intend to pitch it to a producer. But in order to get to that point, I could use the help of another writer. If you think that writer might be you, and you’d like to know more about the script, feel free to get in touch by email (at eliederosen@gmail.com).
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Hi, Elie de Rosen. Another way to seek out a collaborator is to post a job here:
Your short fiction script sounds intriguing. What inspired such a story?
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Hi Elie. Sounds like an intriguing proposal. I'd love to hear more about it.
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Hi, Ty. Thank you for the link.
About my inspiration, I used to be very interested in mountaineering. And after having done a lot of research on the topic, especially its history, I grew annoyed with what I felt was the Himalayan mountaineering world's attitude regarding record-breaking. There seemed to be a never-ending quest to break records, no matter how much danger this involved. The film is meant to be a reproval of that obsession. I also want to make the point that you shouldn't need to display extraordinary athletic skill to achieve fame.
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Kevin - that sounds great. I'll drop you a message with more information.
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3 people like this
Sounds intriguing. Would love to know more about your script. I’ll send you an email.