Financing / Crowdfunding : Love me by Joshua Mayer

Joshua Mayer

Love me

My mentor in entertainment recently told me, "Joshua, you need to find mastercraftspersons who are believers..." He meant that from funders to writers, directors to actors, people involved must be like those on my team - 150% sold on the mission and method of the show.

Why do we need believers? First, LOVE ME is my story (as in my personal story). Second, it has a very specific mission. Third, its content blasts through boundaries, so it will be very controversial.

Our intensive market research strongly suggests that the show will go viral.

Everyone involved will bear some personal risk... given our polarized and vitriolic national dialogue.

So, my question is, how do we find funders who are believers?

Thank you all for your warm and challenging input!


Amman Mohammed

You tell me, Pal.

Nick Waters

That's a great question Joshua Mayer and one that I think a lot of filmmakers grapple with. I recommend taking these upcoming courses with industry professionals who have years of experience with this very topic. I'm going to be tuning in!

Joshua Mayer

Nick, I'll tune in!

Stephen Folker

Nobody is as passionate as you are. If you've never done anything, you need to have skin in the game. What can you do right now, that cost little to no money? Start there.

Geoff Hall

Joshua Mayer what’s the story? What’s the mission? Answer those two questions and you’ll be on your way to finding your sub-culture.

Amanda Toney

I would start by doing some research on finding groups that are associated with whatever the mission of your film is. Do some research to see what donors or a board of director type people are involved with that group.

Joshua Mayer

Amanda, our mission is related to mental and sexual health. Can you give me an example of the type of group you mention?

Sam Sokolow

Hi Joshua Mayer - I recommend this Stage 32 class that starts on Thursday, July 27th, called "How You Can Attract Financing To Your Feature Film While Spending Less Than $3,500".

Michelle Alexandria has worked on 25 films and really knows what's needed to work with investors for your project. And in the class she teaches how to accomplish this goal at different price points - even if you have no money or just several hundred dollars to invest there are things you can do to prepare yourself to approach investors and get them interested in your film. And you'll be connected to Michelle for the duration of the class on email to ask her specific questions about how to best position your project.

Here's a link so you can check it out:

Joshua Mayer

Awesome and thanks!

Amman Mohammed

There is a parsed approach to projects. Other though can "see" - envision and feel - everything about the project (including its completion) before they start. So when's the last time that's ever happened to anyone?

Whitney Moore

So true! It's impossible to do anything with people who don't believe in your project.

Jack Binder

Further to @amandatoney @stage32 comment, while it may seem obvious, I always suggest filmmakers dive into the community their (social issues) project features. Research and connect with those with like-minded interests, in promoting the 'cause', etc. These will be the most passionate folks most likely and open up resources and connections to those whom might which to support the project.

Joshua Mayer

@Jackbinder, thanks for that! Great thoughts. Shall do.

Ray Ghasemi

Thanks for sharing

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