Introduce Yourself : East Texas Filmmaker by David D. Ford

David D. Ford

East Texas Filmmaker

Hey guys and gals! I am an East Texas filmmaker, with three features that I wrote, directed, and produced under my belt. Looking to make my fourth feature if and when I find the right investors. I thought I'd share a little commercial I did for a Barndo construction company last year. I make faith and family films, but also drama, action, and thriller. This commercial is a comedy features Darth Vador

Ty Strange

Love the Darth Vador commercial, David D. Ford! And congrats on your successes. What got you into the film Industry?

Solange Ritchie

Very very funny. Caught Darth vader on a good day.

Sydney S

Thank you for sharing! I would love to help find some education to help with finding investors :) feel free to email me at

E Langley

[Heavy Breathing] I find your lack of spelling skills disturbing. V-A-D-E-R. [Heavy Breathing]

Victoria Lynn Weston

Congrats!! Great work!

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