When was the last time you as an actor thanked the screenwriter, writers, etc. for the project THEY created, because as a writer, I feel like we are under appreciated and not given our Roses as much. When was the last time that the writers got their just due?
Josiah Bhola Hillaire, I think that feeling of isolation is normal for a lot of creatives, but isn't always as real as it sometimes feels. When you're caught up writing and creating, it can easily feel like you're existing in a vacuum. But that usually changes quite a bit when the project moves forward and partners, collaborators, performers, etc. become more involved. At that point, the writer often gets a lot of love and credit for creating a world that others can play in and enjoy. When you watch award shows, series panels, and press junkets or read industry interviews, there's always a lot of appreciation shared for the creators because everyone knows that they wouldn't be where they are without the great stories that they're a part of telling.
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When was the last time the actor thanked craft services for feeding them, or the Director / DP for making them look good, or anything else. Sometimes, it's not on someone's mind. I wouldn't take it personal. So many people have so much on their mind, it doesn't always cross it. Sometimes the writers are getting praise from the director for how good their story is. Did the writer thank the actors for making their words to come to life and really shine? Or thank the director for making their words come to life. Or the producer for spending years developing the story. Food for thought.