Filmmaking / Directing : Oscar Qualifying 7 Day Run by Ross Munro

Ross Munro

Oscar Qualifying 7 Day Run

Hi everyone! Hope you’re all thriving and working on your projects! I’m a Vancouver indie filmmaker who will be doing a 7- day Oscar qualifying run for our short doc The Moviegoer at an LA cinema in late August. I’ve gone through the Oscar rules but am still unclear about some things- if anyone on here has gone through (or is going through this process) I’d love to hear from you! Am unclear if I’m supposed to take out an ad for our film’s run (digital or print ad?)- thanks so much!

Kiril Maksimoski

Rules are available online on the academy official site and I think they vary year to year...last time I've checked you either have to have a win at academy qualifying film festival (list is also there and it's global) or show the film in distinct LA theaters no later than the end of the running year...and this is only to be eligible to apply...after this it's several rounds of voting until lucky enough to enter the final nominees...and if ure truly a filmmaker you know that by "luck" I mean lobbying... :)

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