Acting : 7 Things I Wish I Had Known When I Started My Acting Career - Speiser/Sturges Acting Studio by Florin Şumălan

Florin Şumălan

7 Things I Wish I Had Known When I Started My Acting Career - Speiser/Sturges Acting Studio

Sam Sokolow

Excellent and clear advice that all actors starting out should listen to. Thanks for sharing, Florin!

Sydney S

Thank you for sharing! A really great video to check out for all actors.

Florin Şumălan

You're welcome. I agree...very good advice for actors.

Ashley Renee Smith

This is great! Thank you for sharing, Florin Şumălan!

Geoff Hall

Florin Şumălan thanks for sharing, Florin.

Emily Burrage

Thank you for sharing Florin, really good advice.

Maurice Vaughan

Great share, Florin Şumălan. Shannon talked about not doing what you think the cast director wants you to do. I hear that a lot in casting advice videos. Giving a cast director exactly what the role calls for is what a lot of actors will do. You have to make yourself stand out by being different in the audition.

Florin Şumălan

Maurice Vaughan , I like that part too; how I understood is that many times we are tempted to fall in this trap, of doing things like we think the casting director wants us to do; but what we think they wish to see from us is not the reality, because we don't know what they have in their minds. What they wish to see from us is to be ourselves, to show who we really are (and I think this is available not only in casting for actors, but also in screenwriting and other...)

I think that trying to stand out in the audition can be wrong understood and we could deviate from the script and what the role calls by trying to make exaggerated things just to be different.

In this situation too I think it is required to have good discernment.

Maurice Vaughan

Yeah, you're right, Florin Şumălan. Trying to stand out in an audition can be taken the wrong way. I meant stand out from other actors who do what they think the cast director wants them to do. That applies to other areas in the industry too (screenwriting, directing, etc.). If everyone's doing the same thing and no one's taking risks/thinking outside the box, we'll have the same movies and shows being made over and over.

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