Filmmaking / Directing : Promoting and distributing Short Films by Noah Mccay

Noah Mccay

Promoting and distributing Short Films


I was wondering how folks go about promoting and releasing their short films. I just finished a new film that I'm pretty proud of but I'm not sure how I want to go about putting it out there.

I've had films in festivals in the past but haven't really gotten much out of it. I've also considered just releasing this new film online without doing a festival run and trying to promote it as much as possible.

Does anyone have any insight on this topic?

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Noah Mccay! GREAT question, and MAN do I have answers LOL

First off, CONGRATS on finishing your film! That's HUGE, and you should be proud! Second, consider what you'd like to do in order to sincerely say "thank you" to those who spent time making this film with you. Does putting it online say "thank you" the way you'd like to? If not, consider a private screening or finding a film festival that will premiere it so others can enjoy the fruits of their labor.

***This is especially important because, unlike theatre, film requires you to WAIT until it is screened to receive applause. Creating space for this celebration of your time and effort can be hugely rewarding and give you and your team the energy boost to keep going through the next production.

This brings me to my last bit of advice - what is it you wish to do NEXT? Every finished film is just a calling card to start the conversation on what you'd like to do next. If you know what that is, then I say go to film festivals to connect with as many people as possible to make that a reality. If you're having trouble choosing which festivals do best for you, then consider working with a festival consultant who can help you chose the best ones for your money.

IF, however, you only made this film show off your skills and add it to your reel, then yeah, you can just throw it up online and keep moving. But again, leverage it for the purpose it was intended.

For example, my lastest short film is both a proof-of-concept to attract investors and producing partners to make the feature, BUT it's also a case study to show how we can make indie films financially sustainable: www.SanctuaryFilm.Net

Stephen Folker

I'd make a list of film festivals you can attend (if you get in), then submit. Go there and network. Short films are calling cards. Very few make money. Or, put it on YouTube and run some ads to get a ton of views.

Most importantly, don't overthink the right path. Just do something.

Maurice Vaughan

Great comment, Karen "Kay" Ross!

Congratulations on finishing your new short, Noah Mccay! I've seen filmmakers put their short films on YouTube and Vimeo. I mainly watch shorts on those two platforms. Those platforms have audiences, especially YouTube. And there are channels on YouTube that showcase short films.

James Kicklighter

Start with film festivals, but then, try to get as many critics to write about it as possible. Seek out people who write about shorts, and pitch them a nice concise logline about your film. Some might write negative things, but you need the exposure. If people don’t know you exist, they won’t know your work. PR is often underlooked, and that’s why you need to seek out interviews and reviews.

Bill Albert

When you are ready to gove it a good online home go to Vimeo. The sound and picture quality is better than youtube and no ads. Yes, it's a few, very few, bucks but it makes your product look great.

Ty Strange

Great question, Noah Mccay, and even better responses!

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