Distribution : Podcast Distribution by Wayne Cothron

Wayne Cothron

Podcast Distribution

Hello everyone, hope you're having a nice weekend.

A friend of mine and I are working on a podcast, and I've been thinking about using social media to build our audience.

The problem is I don't know which platforms to use and how to use them to maximize our distribution.

Thanks to you all and keep up your good work.

Lindbergh E Hollingsworth

Hey mate, probably best to do a Google search for podcast platforms to get it out there.

Wayne Cothron

I have a podcast platform with a link to the show.

However, it is a platform for beginners so I'm thinking if I put the link on social media, it might increase the podcasts exposure and build our audience.

The social media platforms I'm thinking about are.

1 Twitter

2 Facebook

3 Instagram

Now if you can think of better social media platforms that are better for podcast. Let me know.

Thanks Lindbergh hope I didn't waste too much of your weekend.

Sam Sokolow

Hi Wayne Cothron - I recommend this Stage 32 webinar on how to produce podcasts that can get the industry's attention - lots of actionable information in here: https://www.stage32.com/webinars/Podcasting-Get-the-Industry-s-Attention...

Wayne Cothron

Thank you Sam Sokolow

Niki H

Hi Wayne! Reach out to others here as well. Try the acting and screenwriting lounges. I'm sure there are many podcasters in the community and they'll have lots of advice for you.



Wayne Cothron

Thank you Niki H

Debbie Elicksen

Wayne Cothron What is your podcast about? Who is your audience? How often will you broadcast? You need a business plan as you would for any other venture. If you want your podcast to get legs, you need to be consistent in social media and not make it about you or your podcast, but about the people you interview and your audience. What does your audience like? Where do they hang?

Look at the top podcasts in your genre. What are they doing? Do they have a website? While I am still growing my podcast and in the beginning of season three, I use most of my social but not all for each show. I don't post in LinkedIn unless the content is relevant to that audience. I use YouTube as my go-to and Spreaker as my aggregator, which distributes to major podcast hosts, such as Spotify, TuneIn, etc. It costs $$ for an aggregator. I've used Google ads. I've used Twitter (at least the "old" Twitter) to find potential guests. I belong to many podcast guest directories. It's a full-out investment of time, depending on what your purpose is. My show is a talk interview setup (Rachel Maddow meets Actor's Studio style). I pay for a video editing app. I repurpose. It doesn't make me $ -- maybe in the future -- but I absolutely love it.

So even if you decide on social marketing, it still boils down to where that audience lives and how you find them.

Wayne Cothron

Thank you Debbie Elicksen

There is a lot of useful information if I can repay the favor to you or anyone else.

Please let me know.

Sam Sokolow

Hi Wayne Cothron - I recommend this Stage 32 webinar on this subject. Mark is a wealth of knowledge and I think you'll get a lot out of it. Here's a link so you can check it out: https://www.stage32.com/webinars/How-to-Develop-Package-and-Sell-Your-Po...

Wayne Cothron

My friend's podcast has just been posted on Spotify and it's also on Apple Pod.

The title of the show is Canned Meat Theater.

I wrote the sketch called The Bureaucrat featured on episode 2.

Thank you all in advance for taking time out of your busy days and giving it a listen.

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