Producing : Pre-Production, legalities & Storyline! by Eon C. Rambally

Eon C. Rambally

Pre-Production, legalities & Storyline!

The Technicalities of Filmmaking.

Before getting into Pre-Production and eventual “Post Production”, there are many technical matters and concerns to consider, particularly with “True stories”. The subject matters herein, besides being presented towards, at a “Producer’s” or “Director’s” level, more or less, also include involvement and intended conversations at any levels in filmmaking, about “True Stories”. Basically, I have seven subjects/questions, that I would like a discussion and response to, as mentioned, particularly at “Producers” and “Directors”, levels. I’ve also included two poster artwork, (different films) one of which in particular the subject matter(s) is about, (Twisted Vengeance). The other, is to include some of the subjects of the first mentioned, in the film, but basically however about talent in overcoming situations. The intended focus and discussions basically, is on the first (Twisted Vengeance) said Title, headline and seven subjects.

As this is in relations to subjects of a true, or based on a true story and accounts. Basically about a relationship or marriage concerning bizarre aggressiveness displayed by a farther. There are strange statistics. However, obviously there are legalities and concerns involved and to be aware of!

The topics, are ongoing as it also relates to the relative poster art work and hereby continued accordingly.

1. As in most relationships you can expect a child involved between and in midst of conflicts. Both parents having excellent public images.

2. Let’s assume this from a psychologist perspective. Telling a story of general beliefs in the natural, super natural and even spiritual, rather than just a complaint against human behavior, as audiences are to some extent, already overwhelmed with.

3. The objectives in the poster (Symbolist's & Expressionist's art) and suggested for the film, is to also present and inspire, a story line for preparation and safeguarding the mind of the young and intended young audience, concerning relevant situations and to encourage deeper study, discussions and considerations for therapy.

4. Things that are in shadows can be good or bad, even mysterious. Optimism, positivity and tuition is best and intended achievements, in the storyline.

5. Concerning behavior patterns A sinister mind and an experimental enhancement drug, to give a sense of mystery and enhancement to the storyline. Of course being very careful with public relations factors, but these are subject(s) that to some extent, must be addressed and filmmakers may need to step up

6. Infatuation with eternal youth and enhancement drugs playing a part in human behavior, enhancement to the psychological aspects of the story, in addition to probable understanding and forgiveness, by spouse, friends, family, etc., Propels the next subject.

7. The fact that children “with the influence of film”, idolizing a parent/parents and parent/parents, aware this, may trigger relevant behavior and actions, to safe guard the psyche of a child. Whether or not justifiable, may not be a topic of significance in the past, but with influence of modern films, should now look into pertinent concepts.

Appreciative of contributions and relevant discussions.

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Well you've made some statements about the stories. Do you have any actual questions of anything someone could really respond to?

Eon C. Rambally

Thanks and understood, Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq Lipg! My objectives particularly, in the seven statements/topics, are basically, technicalities and concerns, before contemplating “Pre-Production”, and to not just view them as statements, but also encourage general comments and questions, concerning any of the seven, to promote the concept/film, (Twisted Vengeance) in its best direction, due respects to the writer/storyteller. Also, to inquire with those who are familiar with the “actual events”, to which the statistics will be presented, for collaboration and said discussions with interactions, basically on the seven comments/subjects presented.

Ray Ghasemi

Certainly! Let's focus our discussion on one aspect: the involvement of a child in conflicts between parents. This is a sensitive subject that requires careful handling to depict the complex dynamics without causing harm or perpetuating stereotypes. It's essential to explore the emotional toll on the child and the long-term effects of such experiences. We should consider portraying the child's perspective sensitively, highlighting the challenges they face while also showcasing their resilience and strength. Opening a dialogue about effective co-parenting, communication, and support systems can provide valuable insights for the audience. How can we authentically and responsibly address this aspect in "Twisted Vengeance" to raise awareness and encourage discussions on healthy family dynamics in the face of conflict?

Eon C. Rambally

Point well taken and well said, Ray Ghasemi. To pay respects to Shadow Dragu-Mahai, Esq Lipg comment, the undeniable you have mentioned. and the fact this is a true story.

Q #1: General opinions, should "actual names" be used or fictitious, for the film?

Ray Ghasemi

Fictitious names, hundred %

Eon C. Rambally

That basically takes care and answer’s/ enhances, statement/topic #.1, of course further comments are always appreciated. Which brings statement/topic # 2, the application of the “Psychological aspects”, or “Psychological perspective”, telling the story or in the storyline.

Q #2: “For clarification”, the time and era, year or time frame, this event/story would have occurred, will help with relevant assessment.

Q #3 Place and locality, also of course, certainly will be helpful. As said from a psychological perspective telling the story, culture and habits, for understanding plays a part in portraying the story.

Ray Ghasemi

Indeed, the application of psychological aspects and perspectives in storytelling can greatly enhance the depth and impact of "Twisted Vengeance." The time and era in which the events/story take place will certainly shape the psychological landscape and social dynamics of the characters. Understanding the cultural context, habits, and societal norms of that specific time and locality becomes crucial in portraying the story authentically. By incorporating psychological perspectives, we can delve into the characters' motivations, inner struggles, and the influences that shape their behavior. It allows us to explore themes such as trauma, resilience, and the interplay between nature and nurture. How can we effectively weave these psychological layers into the narrative of "Twisted Vengeance" to bring forth a richer understanding of the characters and their experiences within their cultural and psychological contexts? Considering the expertise of psychologists and consulting with professionals in the field may add further depth and authenticity to the portrayal.

Eon C. Rambally

This is where adequate intervention of industry professionals, is needed for good examples and practical with target audience in mind. The concept in discussion is featured in many films and genres, including recently with the DC characters, by WB Studios for “the young” and of course “the young at heart”, have applied the concept with the recent film “The Flash”, featured the all famed legendary character “Super girl”, held in what resembles a “macabre solitary confinement” the details of her ordeal was “not featured” but implied and this is a story “within a story”. however, no time frame is needed, a careful issue with costuming or wardrobe, which can also suggest time frame, locality, culture etc., and connects with a wide audience. From a business perspective afterwards, I’m unaware of sales for, super girl t shirts, but I believe it did well, both young and matured indulging. The female image was protected, along of course, with the main character! Which brings topic # 3, Poster artwork and general “Concept”. Given the statistics with “target audience”, It is what industry professionals will consider....

Q #4: What concept (poster artwork in mind) or even “multiple concepts”, is best from a business aspect?

Ray Ghasemi

Broken glasses, for sure....

Eon C. Rambally

Ray, understood! At this point I will leave room for other comments and opinions. It will be good to get the additional interest, in the topics.

Robin Gregory

Eon C. Rambally Thank you for inviting me to this conversation. You bring up interesting ideas relating to Twisted Vengeance. As I'm not a producer, I can only respond as a writer. Am I understanding correctly that you have a story about parents whose experimentation with drugs leads to child abuse? What is the message you want most to share through the telling? Isn't that the key to answering some of your production issues. You are so right, the subjects require utmost care. Have you seen THIS IS US, the TV series? A (pregnant) couple's drug addiction is handled in a very effective way. I agree with what you wrote about Super Girl in The Flash. Hitchcock made it so clear - what is not shown but implied can be most effective. Like a close up of the abused child's face as she sees an approaching parent can say everything. IMHO the less explicit, the easier it will be to engage the audience. Also, for me, it would be too painful to watch the film if the parents are seen strictly as trolls. If you tell the story through the child's POV, it might be good to show them as loving sometimes, even fun sometimes, but then other times really messed up. Does the child make a transformation and triumph in the end?

Eon C. Rambally

Robin Gregory, you're welcome. Those are excellent questions and concepts, as also some highlighting by Ray Ghasemi, the subjects you have addressed must be attentive and sensitive to, before even contemplating “Pre-Production”. In light of what occurs worldwide, in life generally, I intend to present optimism, as it affects family life. The artwork depicts a couple, the child involved however, is a son, it is good to get the various impressions and comments. In other words, what is the “The psychological perspectives” intended, revisiting statement # 2, with advertisement, outcome intended after production and with the viewing audience. Was the child taken care of? Did both parents despite their conflicts ensure the child’s wellbeing? (yes is the better perspective given the statistics) Concerning the use of drugs, or preferred, “drug enhancements”, I really wanted to portray a “Bruce and/or David Banner”, or Experiment with Youth and longevity Scientific Concept & The World of Business, to which will suite the caliber of the characters being portrayed, and enhances appeal, to the entire story (best explanation for the use of color green, in the artwork), in other words, they can be into scientific research, or part of such. Again the film can “imply” and “not state” (there are terminologies to elaborate) and is where careful “Screen writing” and “Screenplay” comes in, of course along with other criteria and aspects of filmmaking, “A sense of mystery” which brings the attractiveness of a story within a story concept and will help to relate more positively and adequately with explaining behavior patterns, and also will be therapeutic in implementation to a relevant young audience and easily lends to positives of public relations.

Altogether enhances “Subject # 3” and Q #4: “What concept (poster artwork in mind) or even “multiple concepts”, is best from a business aspect”? and also moves to “Subject # 4” where maturity and industry experience is needed. The artwork portraying the mystery of the left eye, (broken glasses) when revealed, compels a deeper look into the mind, soul and deep thought. There are negatives(which will be highlighted). Let’s work with the positives.

Hope I answered the questions.

Q. # 5: What ideas for concept(s) with optimism, in mind, “Given the statistics, including said mystery, along with artwork, portraying the left eye”, should be portrayed in the story/film?

Oma Stanescu

In an optimistic story/film, statistics could reveal a surprising increase in acts of kindness and environmental stewardship, despite an initial mystery surrounding these positive trends. The left eye artwork might symbolize a unique perspective that fosters empathy and connection among people. The storyline could follow a group of diverse individuals who, inspired by this artwork and the mystery behind it, come together to tackle pressing global issues like drug addiction and social inequality. Their collective efforts demonstrate the power of unity, hope, and a shared vision for a better world, ultimately proving that positive change is possible when people unite for a common good.

Eon C. Rambally

Oma Stanescu , excellent! The artwork, presents a reality. There’s an optimistic approach however and you have defined it superbly. Definitely the direction intended for the film to take. Your comments explains and defines subject # 4, which depending on how you address it, will answer question no. 5 (Q, # 5) which you certainly did. This now sets the pace for statement #5, 6 and 7 and that's the technicality I really wanted to see, with statement #4. Again certainly excellent!

Oma Stanescu

What I said before is the ideal. But in a free society like the one we live in, why not tell the bare truth? It means that in the society we live in there is censorship, there is no freedom. I was raised in the communist society in Romania. Under the conditions of that society, we could not tell the truth, but we had to pay tribute to Ceausescu. But after the coup of 1990, in the novel "Be It So" I told the whole truth about my childhood. My parents divorced, then I was born, probably that's why my father had doubts about me, if I was his child or not; the arguments and fights between my parents reached the peak to the point where my mother's nose was bleeding, filling a small container in front of my frightened child eyes; in the end they broke up for good; my mother remarried but her husband did not accept me in the house. I could have grown up on the streets if it wasn't for the love of my grandparents to nurture me. I think that the public would be much more interested in seeing the struggle of a child to come out into the light of the world, to start on the right path, than breaking the truth for fear of censorship.

Eon C. Rambally

Oma Stanescu , It is always heart-wrenching,, to hear these experiences that you have endured as a child, then to deal with "censorship" in telling and foretelling concerning your story, is another subject entirely, I sympathize with such and these accounts. There is a challenge however, as you so rightly put it, to voice your opinion, to which you have accomplished and certainly lived up to. With your spirit, time will tell a positive aspect to all of this! Thanks again for your comments and God's speed!

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