Distribution : Promoting web series by Ana Sitnina

Ana Sitnina

Promoting web series

Hi, everyone! I hope I am in the right Lounge for this, it seems to be the closest fit...

I have filmed sci-fi/dystopian web series (completely indie project, 0 budget) and I am looking for advice on promoting it. At the moment, I have released the first trailer. I have an instagram account for it and of course a YouTube channel, but social media seemed to be extremely saturated with content at this point and getting attention feels like an improbable task. I would be grateful for any ideas: online and offline. I am in London, UK.

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Ana Sitnina. I'm a Stage 32 Lounge Moderator. You posted in the right Lounge since you're asking for advice on how to promote your web series. If you ever want to promote your projects, you can post them in the Your Stage Lounge (www.stage32.com/lounge/promotion) and on Your Wall.

You can, however, post your promotion in one of the other Lounges if your post starts a conversation that's helpful and educational to the community. Example: If you post your promotion in the Filmmaking/Directing Lounge, you could start a discussion about your experience filming a web series, share a tip for filming a web series, etc. -- this doesn't have to be long, just something that starts a conversation that's helpful and educational.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Ana Sitnina

That's great advice. Thank you, Maurice! I have figured out my wall and Your Stage Lounge, but starting a conversation in other Lounges didn't occur to me. I will think about what would make sense. You've been most helpful : )

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Ana Sitnina. Hope you find the advice you're looking for.

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Ana Sitnina Add me and DM me, the IIPG's FilmPods alpha program is launching and designed to help you promote and distribute.

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