Introduce Yourself : Screenwriter and Filmmaker in Pensacola by Stephen Wise

Stephen Wise

Screenwriter and Filmmaker in Pensacola

Hi everyone, I'm a writer and director (among other things) and have picked up a number of awards. A few weeks ago, the TV pilot I directed and produced, "Blackwater Blues", won the award for Best TV Pilot at the Spotlight International Film Festival. I also recently wrapped on a new short film called "The Walker" starring Alex Hyde-White (just missed the actors strike) that I wrote and directed. It's currently in post production. Working on a novel adaptation of a feature-length screenplay I wrote.

Geoff Hall

Stephen Wise Hi there, Stephen! Congratulations on your recent success. That must feel like a great validation of your work. Here's to a good and equitable end to the strikes. Best Wishes, Geoff

Stephen Wise

Thanks, Geoff!

Billy Kwack

Hi Stephen, you were in fantastic four and jurassic world, awesome

Stephen Wise

Yeah, I can briefly be seen a couple times in “Jurassic World” but all my scenes in “Fantastic Four” were cut. No loss.

Sam Sokolow

Hi Stephen Wise - great to meet you here in the community! So awesome that your work is getting the recognition it is What is Blackwater Blues about?

Stephen Wise

“Blackwater Blues” is about two brothers who’ve been in and out of jail. They discover clues regarding their mother’s disappearance, which leads them to the underbelly of life in their small Mississippi town involving drugs, biker gangs, comic books, and possibly the CIA.

Billy Kwack

Hi Stephen, what happened with batman?

Stephen Wise

Billy Kwack We went round and round with Warner Bros. for two years until they finally decided to reboot the series (where that term came from). They kept putting one project after another into development and then cancelled them before settling on "Batman Begins".

Billy Kwack

Hi Stephan, sorry to hear. Your story blackwater blues, that's what your working on now?

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on "Blackwater Blues" winning Best TV Pilot, Stephen Wise!!!

Stephen Wise

Maurice Vaughan Thank you!

Stephen Wise

Billy, I was hired to direct and produce "Blackwater Blues". It was written by Corin Nemec, who starred in it with Jason London. Other people are trying to sell the series, but I've been representing it at film festivals, where it's done quite well.

Billy Kwack

Hi Stephen, awesome, keep in touch. I would love to see in the future

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Stephen Wise. Looking forward to checking out "Blackwater Blues" and "The Walker."

Dale Reynolds

Stephen Wise, you are a very funny man, and a wise one, too (not just punning on your name). I just watched the trailer to THE WALKER. It reminds me distinctly of the tone of my stage play, which I describe but in a little detail in this bit I am going to send you now. I have written other black comedies and satires. SMALL TALK, the said play of mine, is actually a black farce and it's been translated into German and Russian. Best wished to you and your work. Dale Reynolds https: Screenplays and Stage Plays

Braggarts irritate me, but if I don't toot my own trumpet (just as a tin thing) I won't get the interest in my work that it may deserve. I start my 'music' with a true tale. A retired MGM producer once read a screenplay of mine. We met here in London and he said to me, "You write better than most of them."

My next seeming achievement was to get the interest of Gregory Peck and Richard Farnsworth for the lead part in A REGULAR JOE, another screenplay, but my ad hoc producers who had connected me with those famous actors, and others, were unable to come up with the money for the project.

Going back further, I've had three stage plays produced in London theatres. The last play was translated into Russian and German. It was nearly produced in Moscow at a marvellous arts theatre near Red Square. Lack of financial backing was again the problem. Too bad, as the Russians loved my satire, SMALL TALK. (Russia had just become Russia again.)

(A German theatre producer owns the production rights to the German translation of Small Talk.)

Since those times, I've completed several other scripts. I have a full length drama for the stage and a short religious comedy, THE TRIAL OF GOD, which one actor has called "a beautiful comedy". Both plays should be performed in the UK first. The "God play" could also be a film. It needs one set and five players.

Two newer and other screenplays would most suitably be shot in the USA and Canada, both comedies and dramas. STAYING WITH FRIENDS is a comedy that explores the question whether neighbours can truly be friends.

Now that I have dropped some of my names as well as some of my projects, I'd love for some of you to drop your names to me, and your own interests.

I'd appreciate it if some of you who are looking for a new movie or play to look at some of my work. I didn't just do it for myself. Thank you,

Yours warmly,

Dale Reynolds

Stephen Wise

Dale Reynolds I'm confused at how you watched a trailer for "The Walker" when my film is in post production and we have not cut a trailer.

Dale Reynolds

Stephen, I am confused myself. I must have assumed I watched a trailer when I was watching some other promotional bit on your film as an intended project?). Anyway ,no harm meant. And good luck with this and other projectts.

Sam Rivera

Happy to hear the progress Stephen Wise

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