Introduce Yourself : The Return by Eleni Papanou

Eleni Papanou

The Return

Pleasure to meet all you lovely people. After a long absence, due to life circumstances, I am looking to get remotivated, make friends, collaborate, and continue along my creative path. Have a beautiful day!

Stephen Folker

Hi Eleni -

Nice to meet you! Life can take a toll on any of us / but now's the time to go after what you want in life. What are you working on?

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome back, Eleni Papanou! It's great to meet you.

Wendy Weising

Welcome, Eleni. We're glad you're back.

John Michael German


Congratulations for the replenishing passion and drive to get back inside the creative initiatives.

Any initial concepts that you will get back within?

Thank you for your roads.

God Bless,

John German

Leonardo Ramirez

Very nice to meet you Eleni Papanou . Welcome back!!

Eleni Papanou

Thanks for the warm welcome. I am not working on anything new, at the moment. I have screenplays I would like to go through again first. One of them is also based on a book where I won an award. But , I think getting back in and talking with people in the industry is more important. I miss that interaction.

Nick Waters

Welcome back Eleni Papanou! What are you working on next?

Feel free to reach out to us directly at for career guidance and help navigating the education here on Stage 32.

Eleni Papanou


Gloria Katch

We're happy life's circumstances brought you here. I'm looking forward to hearing about your work. I, too, tend to go back and re-work and salvage some of my older screenplays. Practice makes perfect.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Eleni Papanou. Congratulations on winning the award for your book!!! Which book?

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