Acting : Dear Actors, You Are Enough by Maurice Vaughan

Maurice Vaughan

Dear Actors, You Are Enough

In today’s blog, Rebecca Reaney talks about three behaviors that prevent actors from feeling they’re enough, and she gives practical steps and techniques that’ll help actors trust that they’re enough.

As Rebecca says in the blog, "So my dear actors, when it comes down to it, the acting industry needs you to be you. The real you. The fully alive you, perfectly imperfect you. You are not broken and you do not need to be fixed. Instead, accepting yourself with embracing compassion will be the start of feeling fully alive. And then trust and know that you are enough because you really are."

Rebecca is a Movement Coach for Actors, Movement Director, and Intimacy Director. She has worked in the performing arts industry for nearly 25 years.

Ashley Renee Smith

Thank you for sharing, Maurice Vaughan! This is a beautiful piece.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Ashley Renee Smith. It is a beautiful piece. I'm not an actor, but as a screenwriter, I relate to what Rebecca wrote. Especially the part about being a perfectionist.

Leonardo Ramirez

"The real you." - love that!

Sydney S

Beautiful energy!

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