Acting : Michael Caine - On Acting by Geoff Hall

Geoff Hall

Michael Caine - On Acting

This was a BBC programme from 1987, I believe and as much as it's about Acting, there's a lot in this video that Directors can learn from.

For the creatives in this community, I hope you find it all very useful.


Suzanne Bronson

Thank you for sharing this @Geoff Hall. I read both of Michael Caine's books and they are an absolute treasure trove.

Geoff Hall

Suzanne Bronson you’re most welcome, Suzanne!

Sam Sokolow

How amazing is Michael Caine? Love him! Juts watched a very 80's comedy he did called BLAME IT ON RIO. He was just as fabulous in this comedy as he was in THE MAN WHO WOULD BE KING. Or DEATH TRAP. Or DRESSED TO KILL. Brought the same integrity to every film and part. His advice is sage advice.

Sam Rivera

Michael Caine is a legend with so much wisdom!

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