Introduce Yourself : Re-introduction and Check-in by Petal Braxton

Petal Braxton

Re-introduction and Check-in

Good Day to all of the Stage32 Community!

How are you all?

I am Petal Pierre, a Songwriter.

Looking forward to connect and collaborate!



Maurice Vaughan

I'm doing great, Petal Braxton. How are you?

Stephen Folker

Hi Petal -

Nice to meet you! Let's connect! Hope you are staying busy!

Amanda Toney

Great to have you here Petal Pierre! What types of songs do you write? How do you find your inspiration?

Geoff Hall

Petal Braxton greetings, Petal and welcome to Stage32. What are you working on at the moment?

Leonardo Ramirez

Hello Petal Braxton - good to see you again. Hope you are well. Do you have a link to your music?

Petal Braxton

I am well, thank you Maurice Vaughan.

Petal Braxton

Thank you Amanda Toney! I write songs tailored to the projects that I am working on. I am inspired by the vision and the work of my fellow collaborators/team members.

Petal Braxton

Greetings Geoff Hall, thank you.

Petal Braxton

Hello Leonardo Ramirez- Nice to see you! I am well, thank you.

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