Composing : Sound mixing on zero budget by Ana Sitnina

Ana Sitnina

Sound mixing on zero budget


I am looking for a bit of advice or resources to understand sound mixing better. I have just made the first season of my zero-budget sci-fi/dystopian web-series and published the first episode on YouTube. I have generally received positive feedback on all aspects of it except the sound. I do also realise myself that sound is my weak spot, and if I could, I would delegate it... but being an indie filmmaker with zero-budget I had to wear all the hats of all the departments : ) A bit of info on my present setup and relevant knowledge: I have used Premiere Pro CS6 for editing, including sound, I also have Audition CS6 and some experience in music mixing in ProTools/Reaper (but I feel like film sound is very different from music mixing). Any advice/food for thought is greatly appreciated.

P.S. Wasn't sure if I can link my episode to expose my problems with sound here, or if it would go down as prohibited self-promotion, so I have opted not to do that. But if you want to see what the problems are - I have it in my Lounge.

Kerry Kennard

Hi Ana,

I’ve heard it’s usually a lot darker sounding.

There’s a lot of different types of sounds / needs for different kinds of film music genres -

Like music genre sounds.

What kind of music sounds are using inside of Pro Tools?

Loops ? Using your own sounds?

Linwood Bell

You're so right! We all have to wear so many hats. There are a lot of videos like this one on YouTube that are good to watch and helpful. And as far as posting your projects for something like this; I know what you mean. You don't want to cross that line. I struggle with it, too. BUT...that's how we communicate. You have to post examples, mp3's, or scores sometimes. I don't think of it as promotion if you're making a point or sharing problems or ideas. Welcome, btw!! Here's a link:

Ana Sitnina

Kerry Kennard Sorry, not sure what you meant by "I’ve heard it’s usually a lot darker sounding." = )

I have used ProTools for music recording, I've mentioned it more to summarize my experience of working with sound generally : ) I happen to also play in a band and we have used ProTools to record and mix music.

Ana Sitnina

Linwood Bell Thank you very much for the link! I will check out similar ones as well : )

Kerry Kennard


Compared to band’s recording - from 20 to 20k frequency range, music for film is probably between 10 through 15-18k frequency range.

The sound of Violins vary depending on many factors, and what kind of film is being made.

Contemporary music has a more natural sound compared to the Horror ‘shrill’ music.

Hope this makes sense.

More later … need to go.


Elena Maro

HI Ana Sitnina , Welcome to the Composing lounge! I watched your web-series from your wall and commented there. Hope you'll find what I wrote helpful! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Sam Sokolow

Sound mixing is so important and very difficult to do well. I love seeing all of this great advice coming from the community!

Ana Sitnina

Elena Maro Thank you very much for your advice, it is very helpful!

Linwood Bell

Ana Sitnina You're not too far away. Here's your dream vacation....

Ana Sitnina

Linwood Bell "The price of a seminar starts at €4000"

I don't even know what to say :D :D :D

Linwood Bell

Yeah…we need to find some good gigs so we can go and enjoy things like this.

Ana Sitnina

Linwood Bell I suspect if/when I can afford it - I wouldn't need it anymore :D

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