Introduce Yourself : Reintroducing Myself by Xochi Blymyer

Xochi Blymyer

Reintroducing Myself

Hi All! Happy Weekend. I’m XOCHI and i work in Hollywood. Well, I will again when the strike is over! At this point my day job is as. 1st AD on scripted tv. But this summer I was one of the winners of the Stage 32 Short Film Program and many other festivals for the same short film. Recently, my feature script was selected for the Sherman Oaks Film Festival and a winner at another virtual festival. So hopefully I am creeping toward the more creative side of the business after all these years!

Pamela Cederquist

Xochi!!!!!! Amazing. :-)

Gloire Martins

Wow, congratulations Xochi! Hopefully the strike will end:)

Maurice Vaughan

Happy Weekend, Xochi Blymyer! Congratulations on the incredible summer!!! :D

Xochi Blymyer

Pamela!!!! Long time no chat!! What a nice surprise to see you here! How are you?

Xochi Blymyer

Thank you Maurice and Gloire! This was a great summer to have my short in festivals and joining in the fun of Stage 32.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Xochi Blymyer. We're really glad to have you as part of the community.

Navid Lancaster

Xochi Blymyer Great to meet you. I am a Film Composer / Sound Designer and a Moderator on the Stage32 Composer Lounge. Hopefully we can work together in the future.

Walter Horsting

Hi, Xochi, good luck with your script.

Nick Waters

Great to meet you Xochi Blymyer !

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