Introduce Yourself : Happy Weekend Everyone - Greetings from OZ! by Morrison James

Morrison James

Happy Weekend Everyone - Greetings from OZ!

Happy Weekend Everyone in the Stage 32 Family,

Wishing you all a very Happy Weekend.

Very excited that our pilot for new mainstream TV Series "Fanny Scat Investigates" in contention for the AACTA Awards, in the Best Online Comedy or Drama category. (Australian Academy of Cinema and Television Arts)

You can watch "Fanny Scat Investigates" at link below. If you happen to be a member of AACTA? Feel free to vote 1 for us if you choose.

Always looking to connect with all you creatives - Directors, Producers, Writers, Cinematographers etc.

Wishing you All Health and Happiness.

Stay Safe, healthy and above all - HAPPY!

Do what you love to do and Create Some Magic!

Morrison James

Maurice Vaughan

Happy Weekend, Morrison James! Hope "Fanny Scat Investigates" wins!

Mark Garbett

Very cool, good luck at AACTA.

Emily J

Hi Morrison James! Thanks for sharing, I can't wait to check it out!

Niki H

That's exciting Morrison, congrats! I've got it on my list to watch! Hope you're doing well, happy IYW!

Sam Mannetti

Happy IYW Morrison! Great to have you in the Stage 32 community. Congrats on your success so far.

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