Introduce Yourself : Hello Fellow Stage 32 Folks!! by Catherine Cole

Catherine Cole

Hello Fellow Stage 32 Folks!!

Hello and happy Saturday! I'm Catherine Cole, Stage 32 member for a couple years now. I'm a screenwriter focusing on feature drama with three completed scripts 'under my belt.'

Curious to know if anyone out there is attending American Film Market in a couple weeks... Do you know Stage 32 is the education rep. for this event? NOTE: RB I hope I stated that correctly! :)

If you're attending let's talk about it and share! Sharing might help others in their strategies to get their content in front of the right people!

Maurice Vaughan

Happy Saturday, Catherine Cole. Hope you and everyone have an exciting time at American Film Market and make some great connections!

Catherine Cole

Thanks Maurice, hoping more folks will step up and share their aspirations for American Film Market (AFM). Connections are key as well as listening and learning!

Effie Trihas

Hi Catherine. I'll be there along with a few fellow writers/directors. We could grab a drink at some time during the festival. Have you registered for AFM23 yet? I don't see you in contacts?

Catherine Cole

Hi Effie, thanks for your comment. I have bought and paid for AFM. Here is the dumb question… Did we need to register via the email sent a day or two ago?

And yes, I’d love to hook up with you all!

Last, love the name Effie! I’ve a niece whose middle name is Effie, comes from my grandmother!

Catherine Cole

I am definitely in the contacts! Look forward to meeting up!

Catherine Cole

I am definitely in the contacts! Look forward to meeting up!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Catherine Cole. You're right. Connections, listening, and learning are key. Please let us know how AFM goes.

Catherine Cole

Will do!

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