Hello fellow Stage 32 creatives, hope you’re all having a great weekend. I’m Lyndsay, I’ve worked in the film\tv business land on and off for a long time, won’t say how long exactly as we don’t need any aspiring mathematicians running numbers, attempting to calculate my age lol. Acting was my passion for many years, along with a keen interest in screen writing and an abundance of ideas yet a debilitating fear of writing dialogue held me back for some time and I wasn’t sure how to structure a story for the film and tv market. After a series life changing events, I took a screenwriting for TV course in 2020, re-familiarised myself with The Heroes Journey, found Stage 32, did a tonne of webinars, joined the writers room and (imo) met some of the most beautiful human beings on this planet. I overcame the irrational fear of writing dialogue with action! I gave it a go and to my surprise, found I could easily tap into the mindset of different characters and channel their actions and thoughts as I’m a HSP. I work for my local city council and I’ve written a 1 hr political crime drama series set in Australia, inspired by real people and events. I am also writing a historical drama series based on a character from ancient welsh mythology and a documentary about a group of ordinary people from the Gold Coast who banded together and won against a powerful force and opposition and set worldwide precedent.
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Hi Lyndsay Sinclair! So glad to have you as part of our community!! Hope you entered the logline for your historical series to our logline contest! Today is the last day to enter!! https://forms.gle/G35xgKLfJ2CyXSz66
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Love this post, Lyndsay Sinclair. Not only captures your positive nature and collaborative spirit, but illustrates how putting in the hard work, not only on the craft, but networking as well, pays off.
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Great meeting you; love your sense of humo(u)r! I'm a screenwriter with two finished rom-coms, working on completing a third, but am also a film historian. Best wishes on your upcoming endeavors.
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Thank you, Emily J I appreciate you. Entered!
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I can’t thank you enough for creating this site which benefits so many creatives across the globe and cultivating a beautiful culture which so many businesses and leaders can learn from, RB..
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Great to meet you, Vincent! Thank you. Best wishes to you also.
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Hi Lindsay, so excited when I see another Aussie. Your political drama sounds interesting! You should be proud of all you have accomplished and how you didn't let your fear stop you from believing you could write. Awesome
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I like your humor, Lyndsay Sinclair ("I’ve worked in the film\tv business land on and off for a long time, won’t say how long exactly as we don’t need any aspiring mathematicians running numbers, attempting to calculate my age lol.").
I used to have a fear of writing dialogue too. One thing that helps me is to remember a character's personality when writing dialogue.
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Thank you, Lyndsay Sinclair. Brightened my day!
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Welcome to the club. :)
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Hi Lyndsay Sinclair - great to meet you here in the community. Your passion and humor shine through your post. I am a huge fan of historical fiction and political drama. Please keep us informed on the progress of your work. I can already tell it will be terrific on screen!
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Emma McBean that’s lovely of you to say.. Hit me up if you’re on the GC :-)
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@maurice thank you for always being so supportive.
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Nice to meet you, Lyndsay Sinclair! Glad to have you in our community!
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Thanks for everything you do for the community, Sam Sokolow. I will keep you updated on the progress.
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Great to meet you too, David! Hope you’re having a nice day!
You're welcome, Lyndsay Sinclair. Hope you have a great week!
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Well done Lyndsay. I’m also on the Coast. Best of luck with your endeavours. If you aren’t already aware there is a great local industry body across the border, based in Ballina (Screenworks) that may be worth your joining. Cheers, Pete
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Nice to see that the Stage 32 family is worldwide. I saw that there is a new NCIS series set in Sydney. NOt very often we get to see a show based out of Australia. Maybe it will bring you some work.
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Hi Peter Bartels great to meet you on here, fellow GC local. Thank you so much for the suggestion, I’ll take a look :-)
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Hi Jason Buss we are very lucky to have this platform. Yes, it’s very exciting for Aussies to have our very own NCIS. Screen Australia had a wonderful mentoring program for writers on the series, a few months ago. Screen Australia were very responsive and helpful when I contacted them for more info about the program and offered suggestions for future programs or opportunities.
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Great to meet you Lyndsay Sinclair
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Nice to meet with you miss Lyndsay, l hope you will be very successful in your way!!!
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Lyndsay Sinclair a couple of other bodies you might consider if you haven’t already (apologies if you are already across these):
AWG - AWG.org.au - they run regular webinars and do a lot of industry advocacy
SPA - Screen Producers Australia (screenproducers.org.au) expensive membership but their annual conference is on the coast for the next 5 years and we’ll worth attending. They run both a local and global pitching event at the conference ( usually has ABC, SBS, Netflix, Paramount, CBC, and many others in attendance - had maybe 500 people this year)
There is also a Brisbane Screen Collective on Facebook that meets intermittently (I go to it very occasionally but the challenge is they are usually evening events and difficult to get back down the coast).
I’m thinking of setting up a monthly catch-up for creatives on the coast as there used to be a monthly event at HOTA about 8 years ago but timing probably wasn’t right.and it imploded.
If you are interested and know other creatives on the coast let them know as I will look to set up a FB page shortly and post it in the Lounge. cheers, Pete