Your Stage : "The Ambassador" from the novel to the movie by Alex L. Goldman

Alex L. Goldman

"The Ambassador" from the novel to the movie

My name is Alex L. Goldman (Nikita Gusev); I am a writer and artist.

One of the novels which I wrote is “The Ambassador”.

“The Ambassador” is a story about a 20 year old girl Michelle, who, facing many sacrifices and coming through hard work became a famous musician and deeply spiritual person, and her friend a 40 years old history professor Nick, who was supporting, inspiring and mentoring her a long this not easy way.

The story is pretty simple, but the fact that Nick wasn’t a human, but an immortal soul who had been living in humans’ bodies and came on Earth thousands of years ago from the planet Latorius where he had a wife and was an scientist, turn all it into a love story with the historical and Sci-fiction background.

The most events in the novel took place in the beginning of the 21st century in NYC, where Nick was helping Michelle growing up and they both had found that they already met 20,000 years ago in the Lascaux cave, where they were in love, Nick was Michelle’s first teacher and later he left here with a broken heart, but in NYC, Nick instead of leaving Michelle again, stayed with her and became her husband.

After making their life in NYC and bringing positive changes to people on our planet, Nick and Michelle left Earth and went to Nick’s planet Latorius, where Michelle made a friendship with the ex-wife of Nick and through this got an influential friend among the top scientists on Latorius.

And, as the open ending promised, both (Nick and Michelle) supposed to go to another planet, where they will do another research and help the local “first people” growing up.

I have a few offers from different publishing houses in the UK and USA to publish the novel, but before to sign their contracts, I would like to find a producer or director who would like to buy the copyrights to a film adaptation and to take a challenge to make an inspiring and meaningful movie about beautiful Michelle and her wise alien friend Nick.

This deal would be very beneficial for a producer, due to the fact that if a producer will buy the copyright from the publisher in the future, it would cost him much more as it is now.

Besides the novel, I’m ready to share a script, written by me, which is based on the novel and supposed to be about a 160 minutes movie, located mostly in NYC, except some scenes in the forest, Nick and Michelle’s mansion and a bit on another planet, and only with a few main characters.

I will send the manuscript, summary of the novel and the script to the producer or director, who might be interested in to take this project.

I wish you a lovely day, a lot of inspiration and energy in your work.

Warm regards,

Alex L. Goldman

Phone: +375 29 2979 425 Email: nikigusev1979@gmail.comWhatsApp: +375 29 2979 425

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