How many of you composers out there are using the new Musio product from CineSamples? I've thought about it, but am concerned with what seems to be a growing trend of everyone developing a proprietary player for their new cloud based subscription service, and the possible stability issues that could come about with many different players being on the same machine with out be tested in action together. That's the advantage of the Kontakt player, streaming the samples not 5 or more streaming at the same time. Although the NI Kontakt player can have it's issues as well, I just think that the fewer the sample players the better, and one or five less pieces of software to know the ins and outs of..
Then there's the issue of integrating these different players into your workflow and template. This is another issue that I can see gaining momentum too. For example the ones that I've used outside of the Kontakt sampler don't allow you to unload all the samples from memory and then only load the samples upon request when the music is being played back like Kontakt will do. The East West Play sample player will allow you to unload the instrument but will not load just the samples required of the music being played. I think Vienna / VSL was an early developer along with East West, but now we have Orchestral Tools, CineSamples / Musio, and I'm sure there are others that I don't even know about. I won't even get into the cloud based subscription services, there are pros and cons to this too but for me I'm not a fan.
So who's tried the Musio product? Do you like it? How does it work? I've heard that you audition samples online and then if you like what you hear then the player downloads them to your machine for use, but I'm not positive about this. If this is the case this sound rather slow workflow wise at least at first. Also, what are your thoughts on all the proprietary players being developed now?
Am I just crazy and holding on to the past?? LOL maybe... :-)
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I haven't tried that yet but I'm interested in hearing more about it, too. I was doing the East/West thing for a while but let it go. I wasn't using it that much with the projects that I've been doing lately. Those subscription fees really start to add up. I don't even wanna think about it.
I was doing the East/West subscription too for a while, but the monthly costs get old. when you purchase outright and have it paid for you're done. That's why I'm not really interested in the Musio product.
We need Musio+ that includes Hulu.