Introduce Yourself : Introducing Myself: From Film Journalism to Screenwriting and Beyond by Eirik Bull

Eirik Bull

Introducing Myself: From Film Journalism to Screenwriting and Beyond

Hello Stage 32 community,

This is my first post here. I stumbled upon Stage 32 on [X/Twitter] and am eager to explore what this platform offers.

I am a Norwegian film journalist, an active Golden Globes voter, and the editor-in-chief of, one of Norway's leading film websites. My work also extends to writing for, a Danish film site.

My journey in the film industry began many years ago. Over time, I transitioned into journalism, which led me to helm Interestingly, the connections I made through this path have brought me full circle, reigniting my passion for film production. I'm now laying the groundwork to return to the industry next year.

Currently, I'm working on two screenplays:

"Draug": A Norwegian/Swedish horror film set in the 1830s, representing what I like to call "Scandinavian Gothic". This script offers a fresh take on classic zombie horror, infused with Norse myths and legends.

"Darker Still": An English-language screenplay that's a unique blend of Lovecraftian elements and an adventurous spirit akin to 'The Goonies', all set in the 90s.

Additionally, I'm self-teaching video editing using DaVinci Resolve Studios.

Looking forward to connecting with fellow film enthusiasts and professionals on Stage 32.

David Abrookin

Nice to meet you, Eirik Bull! Glad to have you as part of the community! Your scripts sound really interesting. Love the blend of inspirations.

Elena Maro

Welcome to Stage32, Eirik Bull, it is very nice to meet you. I am an Italian Composer based in Los Angeles. "Scandinavian Gothic" and its nods to myths and legends sounds very interesting!

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, @Eirik Bull! Great to see you here. Welcome to the community.

Richard "RB" Botto

Fantastic to have you and your vast experience here, Eirik. That's one hell of an Introduce Yourself post as well. As the former publisher and editor of RAZOR magazine, I have a soft spot for journalists. You're going to fit in famously around these parts.

Julian Guerrero

Hey Eirik, nice to meet you. Norway is definitely on my list of places to visit!! it’s exciting to interact with folks from across the world from me, can’t wait to see more of your posts…

Btw “Draug” and “Darker Still” sound like films I would 100% watch!! Zombies infused with Norse mythology?? that is so intriguing! Hope to see more from you!

Sam Rivera

Hi Eirik Bull, Happy you could join Stage 32!

Eirik Bull

Thanks for the warm welcome, folks. I think Stage 32 looks fantastic.

I'm a film journalist and Golden Globe voter now, but I'm trying to move over (or rather back to) film production next year, and I would love to build my network outside Norway.

When it comes to the screenplays I'm working on, my main focus is on "Draug" now, as it has really come alive on the page. I'll continue working on it after the voting of for Golden Globes is over.

I'm also working on an interview article with some folks at Weta Workshop in New Zealand. I visited them last year, and the plan is to have the interviews published on Weta Workshop's own website, when Return of the King has its 20th anniversary in December.

Thanks again!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Eirik Bull. I think it's pretty cool that you're a Golden Globe voter. What's your plan for "Draug"? Pitch/sell? Produce?

Eirik Bull

Hey Maurice. The Golden Globes is fun, but its hectic, especially these days with all the screeners, as we're nearing the first round of nominations.

As for Draug, my goal is to pitch it in the Norwegian or Swedish film industry, and if anyone wants it, I want to try to get in on the production as a co-producer or similar. I've already gotten some very positive feedback from some big names in the Norwegian film industry after I pitched the concept.

So that's very motivating.

But I'm still writing, and it will take some time. I would also have loved to write it with someone, as I work better in a team.

Anyway, since Golden Globes have strict conflict of interest rules, I can't involve myself directly with the production side of the industry until after the awards, but I can at least write on my own. :)

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