Introduce Yourself : I'm just a Story Teller by John Scimeca

John Scimeca

I'm just a Story Teller

I am a fairly new screenwriter but have always been a writer and a story teller. I have been searching for the Great American Novel, but it evades me. Read a book three years ago on screenwriting, and I was hooked. I think its the visuals, but I most pride myself on Dialogue. The audience will question their values. My characters are both good and bad.

Sophie Von Rheden

It will find you. Good luck, John!

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, John Scimeca. What's your favorite genre to write?

Xochi Blymyer

you’re not Just a storyteller. sounds like you Are a Storyteller!

Niki H

Hey John Scimeca , welcome to the Stage 32! It’s lovely to meet you. I hope you’re having a great weekend.

John Scimeca

Hi Maurice. I'm all over the place. Crime, Sci Fi, Comedy, and recently historical

Maurice Vaughan

I write different genres sometimes, John Scimeca, but I mainly write Horror. I like to mix genres too. What event is your Historical script about?

Richard "RB" Botto

Much of the pursuit revolves having a positive support system, John Scimeca. You'll find all that and more right here, I promise you.

John Scimeca

Maurice, based on the exploits of Robert Smalls. He was born into slavery, stole a Confederate military ship, rescues more slaves and works as military advisor to the Union. Later becomes a congressman.

Suzanne Bronson

Welcome @johnscimeca Robert Smalls sounds like a great story to tell. There's great resources and people here to help you tell it. I love historical fiction and American history.

Maurice Vaughan

Wow, John Scimeca! I have to see that movie! Have you started pitching the script?

John Scimeca

Happy to hear of the interest in my historical based project. Still in the planning stage.

Maurice Vaughan

Cool, John Scimeca. Keep us posted on the script. Looking forward to hearing more about it.

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