Screenwriting : Introduce Yourself Weekend by Maurice Vaughan

Maurice Vaughan

Introduce Yourself Weekend

It’s the 2nd day of Introduce Yourself Weekend!

Friday through Monday

Make your post and comment on people’s posts in the Introduce Yourself Lounge (

You never know who you’ll meet or what opportunities will open up by introducing yourself.

See you over in the Lounge!

Christopher Butler

Hi Everyone, let me reintroduce myself( been a member for few years now). I'm a very part time screenwriter and work in tech sales. I have sold products into the major studios in the past. I've started my first screen play which is a comedy. Big shoutout to RB and crew for recommending FD for writing software between Stage32 and Studio Binder, I'm learning lots maybe one day could make this a full time career.

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Christopher Butler. I suggest making your post in the Introduce Yourself Lounge so more people can see it.

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