It’s the 2nd day of Introduce Yourself Weekend!
Friday through Monday
Make your post and comment on people’s posts in the Introduce Yourself Lounge (www.stage32.com/lounge/introduce_yourself).
You never know who you’ll meet or what opportunities will open up by introducing yourself.
See you over in the Lounge!
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Hi Everyone, let me reintroduce myself( been a member for few years now). I'm a very part time screenwriter and work in tech sales. I have sold products into the major studios in the past. I've started my first screen play which is a comedy. Big shoutout to RB and crew for recommending FD for writing software between Stage32 and Studio Binder, I'm learning lots maybe one day could make this a full time career.
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Hey, Christopher Butler. I suggest making your post in the Introduce Yourself Lounge so more people can see it. www.stage32.com/lounge/introduce_yourself