Anything Goes : Meanwhile... by J.J. Allen

J.J. Allen


Hi Guys...Gals.

Meanwhile I've been working on a pitch for a little over a year. I haven't been consistent as I should in getting it in front of the faces of the right people, however, it's a pretty solid project. Pitch Desk, Script, bible, you name's done.

I've run into two big headaches in pitching over the past almost two years.

Everyone "loves" it, but each executive I pitch to only has issues with whatever changes I made based on the previous feedback of the last pitch. I make changes, add certain things to pitch, and then I'm told, they don't like that bit of info. I take it out, and then two pitches later, I'm told, I shouldn't be afraid to add more in it. I'm all for making it better, but I'm confused. (Insert chuckle and whimper at the same time.)

The second headache would have to be getting scored nothing but 5's and 4's across the Stage32 metric scoreboard, and no real feedback outside of the fact that it's a good angle.

It's sort of have me stuck with what's next.

But I digress. I'll go get a cupcake now.

Maurice Vaughan

I've been there, J.J. Allen (the first headache). I don't think you're a new screenwriter, but today's blog might help you out ( The blog's about script coverage, but some of the same advice and insight can be applied to pitch feedback, like the "Common Challenges Entry-Level Screenwriters Face" Section and the "Overcoming Obstacles with an Assertive and Optimistic Approach" Section.

For the second headache, if you're scoring nothing but 5's and 4's, I don't think you're gonna get much feedback that'll help you improve your pitch.

If you're looking for script feedback, Stage 32 has that too ( I recommend the Feature Script Read + 30 Minute Talk with an Executive ( The exec will give you more feedback than you'll get with regular script feedback.

Here's my experience with the Feature Script Read/30 Minute Talk (

There's also a Feature Script Read + Studio Level 60 Minute Talk with an Executive (

There's a TV version of the Feature Script Read/30 Minute Talk and the Feature Script Read/60 Minute Talk too.

Rick Sabino

JJ Allen,

I just now came across your post from, it says, 4 months ago. I could have written this myself! This is EXACTLY what I know I, and I am sure many others experience as well. Often contradictory comments and remarks along with the obligatory ' it's great but...' If anyone has an answer to this feel free to comment.

Maurice Vaughan

Miquiel Banks talks about that in today's blog, Rick Sabino ("What resonates with one reader may not impress another, leading to a mix of feedback that can be confusing").

Sonia Dubois

I had a screenwriting teacher who told me that we don't have to take all feedback. Use what you think makes your pitch better and leave the rest. You can't please everybody so just be true to your style.

Rick Sabino


Truer words were never spoken! This is absolutely correct. I am going to name names here as well. Marcy Robinson, for my money is absolutely useless. I paid the $35 for a written pitch and frankly, I don't even think she bothered to read it based on her 'half-a@@ed' remarks. I requested my money back because this is people's income and we deserve a fair shake, so to speak. As a side note, if an exec has a built in prejudice, so to speak, they should narrow down the audience they want to hear from and not take $$ from the rest of us. Just a thought.

Niki H

Hey J.J. Allen , I want to second what Sonia said above. Take what resonates with you and ignore the rest. There will always be different opinions on style and even content. I believe that once you have a pitch that's scoring high marks and getting great feedback (other than minor differences of opinion) then your pitch is in good shape! Time to narrow focus. Think about targeting specific executives and companies. Look at getting your pitch to people who you believe will connect with it. Work on the Pitch Deck to have the whole package.

Rick Sabino

Hi Niki,

I understand your need to come to the defense of an exec on this stage and I have already addressed the issue with Lisa from Stage 32 who has already reached out. In my mind the matter is closed. At this point there is nothing to be gained by further contact with Robinson who assuredly will just dig in and try and justify herself. Nothing to be gained there. Stage 32 prides itself as a open forum to exchange ideas and viewpoints. That is what I have done. I have purchased many pitch reviews from a variety of execs on Stage 32. As Sonia stated in her post, some are helpful, some not so much. In the case of Marcy Robinson, I did not get the impression, based on, again, much prior feedback, that she put much effort into her response. Her comments were an 'outlier', and, yes, everyone gets 'outlier' comments from time to time.There could be many reasons for this. Either she just didn't get the concept, didn't like the concept, or didn't like the fact that I was the one writing it - this references my 'prejudice' comment.(despite my background which I mentioned in the pitch) Maybe she just had a bad day. Who knows. EVERYONE on Stage 32 should feel that they can voice their opinion freely.

Rick Sabino

There was no 'accusation' as you have described it Niki. There was, based on prior feedback received from other execs that have I have received feedback from, my observation that Robinson did not appear to have read or considered my pitch very carefully. Again, this was my observation and opinion and I was expressing it on this forum just as you have expressed yours. I should also note that I did, indeed, first reach out to Stage32 and resolved the matter with Lisa, who was very helpful. It was only when I posted here that you decided to 'swoop in' and get involved. Whether you realize this or not (and I think you do) this very well might cause other members to think twice about being direct and honest about matters relating to Stage 32, i.e, feedback, etc. And, as I have also previously said, most of said feedback has been helpful and informative. Unfortunately, this was not the case with Robinson. We should not feel that if we do, indeed, post candid concerns on this site that the Stage32 'PC' police will jump in and rap us on the knuckles with a yardstick, so to speak.

Niki H

I have deleted my comments and will refrain from getting involved in the future. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

Rick Sabino

You are welcome.

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