Introduce Yourself : a lady whose story MUST be told; seeking an Executive Producer by Susan Flakes

Susan Flakes

a lady whose story MUST be told; seeking an Executive Producer

Dearest Stage 32ers,

Harriet Jacobs hid in her grandmother's home; fooled her 'master' into thinking she'd fled to New York, and he went broke searching for her; finally she managed to dress as a sailor and sail to New York, where she worked with activist/abolitionist Frederick Douglas, who'd also fled to New York dressed as a sailor. He persuades Harriet to write her autobiography, which becomes the leading slave narrative written by a woman.

Emily J

Hi Susan Flakes! Thanks for sharing! I know we've talked about this project - how's your pitch? Have you gotten feedback on it with the pitch sessions?

David Abrookin

Hi Susan Flakes, nice to meet you! Sounds like an interesting story

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