Afternoon/Evening (UK time here as I write this). I've been meaning to drop in and post an updated intro this weekend but been insanely busy. That and I decided to submit a pitch I had been eyeing up all week but for one reason or another the full-time job got in the way. Alas I managed to get it submitted (just) in time today!
So, in terms of me...what can I say? Right, my full-time job is a far cry from creativity and writing. I work full-time in policing in the UK in specialist operations arena but my passion has always been, and will always be, creativity. It is the truest form of who I am as it allows me to remove my masks an barriers and just be me. Another interesting point is the fact I am autistic and have finally learned to allow myself to embrace my quirky, overactive and vivid imagination and turn them into books and screenplays that are doing pretty good (please remember I'm British which means I am very modest).
Despite a number of a small award wins from festivals and contests I still downplay myself. This year I've been telling myself off for doing that and while doing some work around neurodiversity advocacy and public speaking, I've allowed myself to actually celebrate my successes which have included two requests from pitches this year so far - maybe one day I will progress further but I am taking each piece of feedback and building what I hope will end up being "the one."
My current project is a TV Pilot that stems from a series of short stories focusing on a new style of supernatural superhero. I say superhero but that's not what it is, it's a dark and mysterious exploration through modern and Victorian London following one of Jack the Ripper's murder victims, an unsuspecting police officer who has now been recruited by Death to protect humanity from dark monsters and demons. I first thought of the idea when I was at school doing my GCSEs and only now have I dared to write it. I'm immensely proud of what it has become and the fact it's been requested twice tells me I'm not alone thinking there's promise.
I've also had a few requests for some of my short screenplays this year including an LGBT short drama, a horror, a short drama about autism masking and strangely I was asked to propose a TV pilot for a Vietnamese company but that "apparently" went nowhere! We live and learn I suppose.
2023 has been all about believing in myself and stopping myself from being my own worst critic. I've always struggled to believe in myself enough or else allow myself to celebrate successes...I always start with "I'm just the small guy from Nottingham" or "I'm not connected to the business so nobody will trust me" or any other moronic self-sabotage comment...BUT NOT ANY MORE. I'm allowing myself to be confident in telling my stories and so far it's shaping up to be a good foundation for 2024.
So, in reality, I am the guy from Nottingham who didn't have any connections in the business but has now got substance to what were once dreams mocked by naysayers. Now I'm standing proud of the achievements and hoping it's the start of a transition away from what is my day-job and embracing my unique imagination and the stories that come from it.
Well done if you made it this far!
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Thanks for sharing Tobey Alexander! Your work sounds really interesting!
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Congratulations on all of your accomplishments, Tobey Alexander! I'm glad you're allowing yourself to celebrate your successes, and I'm glad you're believing in yourself. You sound talented. I really wanna see your supernatural superhero series!
3 people like this
Great intro Tobey! Your supernatural superhero work sounds really cool. And, many of us wear our professional hats and our creative hats so you are definitely in the right place being in the community! Also, since you are UK based, I want to recommend this webinar that breaks down the UK market, it's a great overview I think you'll find helpful: https://www.stage32.com/webinars/Understanding-the-UK-Film-and-Televisio...
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Thank you Amanda Toney that is now on my to watch list this afternoon :)
2 people like this
Hi Tobey Alexander , thank you for sharing!