Introduce Yourself : They said budget was not a problem by Vital Butinar

Vital Butinar

They said budget was not a problem

Hi guys.

It's been some time since I've checked in here but I've been a little busy with a couple of projects and also moving to a new place.

I've done a couple of projects in the last couple of months but and a couple of them were narrative, but one was a commercial project.

The company said that a budget was not a problem and even though the original project was meant to be a bit different I'm still happy with the result and I'm glad that the client was really, really happy with it.

It was also really nice working on this project.

On the other hand I've been working on a couple of feature film screenplays that I'd like to shoot.

I actually have a comedy called Pure Vortex that I've been trying to get going into production.

I really think that we have a shot to make this one locally and completely independently, but it's still early.

There's also another feature film project down the line but it's still early to talk about this one.

So what is everyone else up to? Any cool project you guys are working on?

Anyway have a great weekend everyone.

Maurice Vaughan

Great to see you again, Vital Butinar. "The company said that a budget was not a problem." The words every creative loves to hear! :D I've been writing feature spec scripts, doing pitch deck jobs, and rewriting short scripts.

Vital Butinar

Hey Maurice Vaughan. Nice to hear from you.

That's great! Any cool features that you're working on?

I love doing pitch decks, they're fun to do.

Ya know I didn't buy that line for a minute, but it was one of the biggest budgets that we had and what I really loved was that they gave me complete freedom after we nailed down the idea to apache the project however I wanted and when we shot in the factories it was really cool because we got to take out safety fences out of the way and were able to get cameras into weird places just because the marketing exec said that what ever I wanted to get the shot. That was really cool! :)

Emily J

Hi Vital Butinar! Thanks for sharing, sounds like you've been working on some really cool stuff!

Maurice Vaughan

I'm turning my short script about invisible zombies into a feature script, Vital Butinar.

Yeah, it's fun to make pitch decks. It was hard to make them when I first started, but each time I make a pitch deck, it gets easier. I use to make pitch decks. I've tried PowerPoint, but it's easier for me to use Canva.

Vital Butinar

Hey Emily J. Thank you. Well the most exciting thing to me is the feature comedy that I'm working on which I hope I'll get to do soon and locally and the other is the feature project that's still to come but is being written by someone else.

What about you, what are you up to these days?

Vital Butinar

Maurice Vaughan uuu, zombies are always cool. Just watched a zombie movie a few days ago, stuck on the couch getting over the flu.

Did you get anything new made?

You know I tried Canva, but it seemed limiting to me at that time, so I just got used to the libreoffice powepoint thing and yeah they get a lot easier with time.

Maurice Vaughan

Sorry to hear you had the flu, Vital Butinar. Glad you're over it.

"Did you get anything new made?" Do you mean scripts or pitch decks?

Vital Butinar

Maurice Vaughan as in more as any of your scripts got made.

Kristin Jackson

If you are in need of pitch decks, bibles or one-pagers, that's my area of expertise, Vital Butinar - my little corner of the film industry. :)

Maurice Vaughan

Oh ok, Vital Butinar. My scripts haven't gotten made lately. Hopefully soon!

Vital Butinar

Kristin Jackson nice to meet you. Thank you very much for the information and will definitely keep it in mind. But the projects that I'm working on right now don't have any money attached yet and since money is tight right now, I tend to tackle stuff that I can do myself, myself. Also I've always loved doing some stuff myself, even if it doesn't make sense sometimes.

For example, a couple of weeks ago, I fixed my own car window, just because I like doing stuff like that and I could do it. It also gave me the chance to play around with my new 3D printer.

Or on film projects, I love editing dialog and color grading, at least coming up with the look of scenes.

Vital Butinar

Maurice Vaughan that's a bummer. But still, I've got a couple of shorts that I want to shoot and just haven't had the time to do it with the move to a new place and all the stuff that had to be done.

Maurice Vaughan

It's ok, Vital Butinar. I've been ghostwriting a lot of scripts, so even though I won't get credit when they get made, it'll be great to see more of my work on screen. How do you like your new place?

Vital Butinar

Maurice Vaughan that's great! I've never done any ghostwriting. But then again I would never call myself a writer, but more a filmmaker who has to write in order to make his stuff. :D

Well the new place is actually great! First there's no more rent and that's a great money saver, but the down side is we're now about 30 miles out of the city. Although not that bad since I need to go to the city only maybe once per week or even two weeks, so not that big of a problem, but we get to wake up to this kind of view every day and it's an absolute joy working in such a nice environment.

But it did take a while to get the house ready and everything into order, also there's always stuff to do, firewood, fix something, etc.

But hopefully this is only home base and that we'll get to come to the States soon working on the above mentioned project. Which will be easier now without having to rent a place even if you're not there.

Maurice Vaughan

If you write, you're a writer, Vital Butinar. :) Wow, that view is beautiful! So green! Possible location for a movie???

Vital Butinar

Maurice Vaughan yeah it's really green and we're the last house on the road so peace and quiet. Yeah Leya and I are already thinking how to shoot something here. :)

Ashley Renee Smith

Great to see you back, Vital Butinar!

Vital Butinar

Thank you Ashley Renee Smith.

How are you doing and what have been working on lately?

Ashley Renee Smith

I'm well, Vital Butinar! As always, I'm just working away to help this community however I can.

Vital Butinar

Ashley Renee Smith that's great and thank you for everything you guys do! :)

Sam Sokolow

It's great to see you back, Vital Butinar! Sounds like you're super busy. What's the next screenplay that you're going to start writing about?

Vital Butinar

Hey Sam Sokolow, thank you and nice to see you too. Well it's like always in life, busy when it's busy and piling on but not busy when there's nothing to do, yet still busy.

Well I'm kind of just refining the current screenplay for a comedy that I'd like to shoot called Pure Vortex. Still have to figure out how to finance it, but actually it's loosely based on a true story of a couple of guys who can't get descent paying work, but then create a fake rock band to get artist visas and go work for one of the guys uncle who has an air-conditioning business in Canada, of course everything goes horribly wrong. The moment I heard the beginning of the original I had my own crazy story playing in front of my eyes.

The next project I'm going to write is actually going to be a fun neo nori detective story or something like that, because I've been itching to make a cool sci fi story.

We'll see what happens.

I always want to write something, but then actually decide to write something else, that's a bit more realistic and I might be able to shoot. :)

What about you, what are you working on these days?

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