I'm choking back tears as I write this. I was recently informed that I'm nominated for Female Writer of the Year in the 2024 Austin Revolution Film Festival! What an awesome honor! I'm a self-taught screenwriter who four years ago, had a chance encounter with a guy outside of a pizza parlor during a Table Reading. My script was supposed to be read last, but luckily for me, my script was read first. The man next to me said, "Your dialogue is great, but you need to fix the things that you should've learned in film school." I told him I didn't go to film school. The man, "You didn't? Let me teach you something." For a about an hour, he gave me notes on every script read that day. Turns out that the guy is the Director of Oscar winning actors and thirty years ago he worked under one of the greatest Directors in the world. I don't want to drop names because that's not important. What is important is that the kindness of a brilliant stranger helped improve my writing in ways I never could've imagined. May all those struggling in your craft receive the help you need from the kindness of a seasoned professional.
Stroke survivor and Air Force Veteran
Write on!
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Congratulations on being nominated for Female Writer of the Year, SherLann D. Moore! I hope you win! Thank you for your service.
That's great that the Director helped you with notes. I've had so many people help me throughout my screenwriting career. I try to do the same thing for others too.
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SherLann D. Moore that is so fantastic! Congratulations! Do you have your logline and work posted on your profile?
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That's very inspirational. It proves that you don't have to go to film school or possess a certain "pedigree" when you want to go in screenwriting, storytelling or just writing in general.
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Congratulations @SherLann! That is awesome!!
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Thanks everyone!
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You're welcome, SherLann D. Moore.
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Congratulations! But this post isn't finished! What about the notes the director mentioned? Maybe, you can help us too!