Screenwriting : How many writers have another job and how do you find time to write by Kevin Jackson

Kevin Jackson

How many writers have another job and how do you find time to write

I would love to hear the answers to this question. I try for mornings and weekends or nights and weekends, since I work a regular job during the day. I often feel I am not writing enough. Anyone else have this problem? How do you do it?

Jenean McBrearty

I don't know what your day job is, so I can't answer you about carving out writing time during your working hours. If you're an auto mechanic, you're probably SOL. But, if you work at a computer, take a flash drive to work and use your lunch-time to write. Yes, this means you have to slide in and out of character/mood, etc. at off times of the day, but it will teach you discipline, that's for sure! Also, give up dating, going to parties, spending times with friends, watching sports (except basketball), and cooking full meals. But, how much is enough? Only you know that. Sometimes I write every day for a month. Sometimes not as att for a few days. Write until the story is finished, is my motto.

Andrea Zurlo

I'm a translator Kevin Jackson (so I write all day long words from others) and I write at night or during the weekends. I understand you, it may help you to decide a number of words to do per day (for instance 700/1000 words), and stuck to that. It may enhance your production. To have another job and write means you are really passionate about writing.

Nathan Smith

I work overnight full time. Thankfully my work is the kind that it allows me some free time to write so I find myself writing at the office most of the time, especially since my attention is always pulled into different directions at home.

Craig D Griffiths

You just have to carve out the time. I see this question a lot on forums and I always think “you could be writing now”.

I use writerduet on my iPad and phone so every moment I can write I can write.

David Abrookin

It's tough to get writing done when life "gets in the way", but if you find a project you're passionate about, it makes it much easier to say "I'd rather write than watch TV" or "I can write during my lunch break"

Travis Seppala

I write in the mornings before my day job.

My day job also has some down time where I can read and even jot notes.

And don't forget lunch breaks! Back in 2016 I literally wrote an entire horror script writing only on my lunch breaks at work.

Kimberly Kradel

Designate a half hour of your day to write - same time every day. It can be while you are having your morning coffee. Or make a rule that you can't have dinner or evening snacks until you've written for at least a half-hour. Food is a really good motivator.

CJ Walley

Write or type? They're two different tasks.

Some of my most creative moments and breakthroughs are when I'm doing something else and whip out my phone to note the thoughts down. Or I'm lying in bed half asleep and able to just day dream.

Typing is just a case of blocking it around other things I need to do.

I've managed to adjust my working life so I have a lot of time and flexibility. That's taken a lot of sacrifices and meant giving up a lot of material things to live a lean life. That's the life on an artist though.

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