Acting : Want to Lower Your Stress While Acting by Aaron Marcus

Aaron Marcus

Want to Lower Your Stress While Acting

Want to Lower Your Stress While Acting

Acting can be extremely stressful. Actors need to learn how handle

stress to succeed, both as actors and in our lives.

If you have dealt with stress, share what you did that helped


Maurice Vaughan

Incredible advice, Aaron Marcus! I mainly just take the day off if I get stressed.

Aaron Marcus

Thank you for the kind words, Maurice. Taking a day off sounds great. I find that I normally wouldn't have that time off available.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Aaron Marcus. It doesn't have to be a full day off. An hour or a few hours can help too.

Aaron Marcus

Good point.

Keith Lopez

Thank you Aaron

Aaron Marcus

My pleasure Keith.

Sallie Olson

I taught riding lessons for many years and helping my students cope with their stresses and fears was almost a daily event since stress and fear are distractions that can be dangerous when you're sitting on a thousand pound animal that runs on instincts, has a brain the size of a plum, and doesn't understand that your stresses and fears might not have anything to do with them.

What I eventually figured out that worked really well for most people was to have them imagine the stress or fear was a little man sitting on their shoulder, screaming at them to get away from whatever it was that was scaring them or stressing them out. The little man isn't their enemy, he's just trying to keep them safe. He just wants to know he's been heard, so the more they resist him, the louder he screams. Therefore, they should thank him, tell him they've heard his concerns, and then promise him that you'll be careful. Then tell him he's welcome to come along, but he can stay home if he wants, too.

Most of the time, the little man would opt to stay home. :)

Aaron Marcus

Wow, Sallie. I love that story. You are very creative and wise. And, I am sure you have helped a lot of people keep that little man home. Thank you so much for sharing this.

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