Introduce Yourself : Here’s to not giving up on my dream. by Nicholas Velez

Nicholas Velez

Here’s to not giving up on my dream.

Hello all. Over the years, I have written a few screenplays hoping for the big break, but hasn't happened yet. Discouraged, I stopped writing screenplays, but I never stopped writing because ideas always came to me. As of now, I’ve written a very short script based on a horror screenplay I’m writing, and I’m sending another screenplay I wrote, which is a romantic, drama, to the 10 page review. I’m hoping to get good feedback on what I might need to change and hopefully, someone would be interested as they read it. Very long story short, my ideas never stop and neither will I.

Billy Kwack

Hi Nicholas, yes it's tough but never Give Up

Gary Keyes

Hey Nicholas, more power to ya pal! Never give up...take a breather every once in a while but never slow down! Hopefully, we'll be able to read your short soon.

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome back to screenwriting, Nicholas Velez. To not giving up on dreams!

Jason Boyer

That’s the type of attitude that I want to hear. Don’t worry, your big break will come. Once it comes, you will appreciate it even more.

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