Screenwriting : Pitch Session vs. Feature Script Read + 30 Minute Talk with an Executive by Dewayne Edwards

Dewayne Edwards

Pitch Session vs. Feature Script Read + 30 Minute Talk with an Executive

If you had to pick between the two. Would you do a pitch session or a script read with a 30 minute call with an Executive?

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Dewayne Edwards. I've done both, and they've both helped me rewrite my pitches and scripts. The Feature Script Read/30-minute Talk with Executive REALLY helped me make my pitch and script better ( So, I pick Feature Read/Talk.

Marcel Nault Jr.

I would personally start with the pitch session. If it only helps you move forward, I say do this before doing a script reading.

Leonardo Ramirez

I've only done the written pitches, Dewayne Edwards. I will say that I enjoyed the 30 minute talk (which turned into 45) because you have a little more time to get to know the executive and make your script better. That's the route I would take.

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