Introduce Yourself : Hammer Time! Er, Selfie Time!! by Bruce Wawrzyniak

Bruce Wawrzyniak

Hammer Time! Er, Selfie Time!!

I'm out of town right now at a conference where I'm serving on panels, doing consultations, and, doing a masterclass. As a publicist, I'm amazed at how many attendees have been asking me about social media concerns. Some of them struggle with what to post about. It further leaves me scratching my head when I tell them that, "Obviously you should be taking pictures of yourself being at this conference and sharing those images on social media and taking people inside your journey as a writer," and they look at me like I just split the atom! I'm here in the Introduce Yourself Lounge to remind you that people care about and like seeing you pulling back the curtain and giving them photos in social media posts of what you're up to that YOU think is mundane but THEY think is fascinating.

Mary Helen Norris

I need to get better about posting more. This is excellent advice.

I find I tend to post more when I’m out and about or doing something exciting. I should maybe post more about the mundane as well.

Bruce Wawrzyniak

Mary Helen Norris Good, good, good. Glad that was helpful for you!

Marcel Nault Jr.

Post what you want to post. At the end of the day, if you do it for the right reasons, that's all that matters.

Maurice Vaughan

Bruce Wawrzyniak "Stop, Hammer time!" Haha

Thanks for the reminder!

Bill Hoversten

Great observation, Bruce - thanks!

Amanda Toney

Totally agree Bruce! What you are doing is interesting! And, I highly encourage everyone here to download the Stage 32 app. We have added so many features - including the ability to share photos at the click of a button. Take photos of what you’re inspired by and share them with us in the community!

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