Introduce Yourself : Hi! by Lenny Levy

Lenny Levy


Last time I introduced myself here, I wound up with a collaborator who is working with me to bring one of my song lyrics to life! In addition to song lyrics, I am writing plays and movie scripts. I have four full-length and two short movie scripts completed and several more in the works. But not sure how to move these forward. I have numerous plays from one-minute to full length written and working on others, including several musicals for which I have written the book and lyrics but need music. I'm always looking to collaborate on any of these projects, or to offer assistance with yours. I have reviewed plays, books and movie scripts for others and am usually complimented on my comments. Thanks.

Geoff Hall

Lenny Levy Hi Lenny, it’s good to hear that you found a collaborator, on Stage32. Is there anything else you can share about this, or is this part of your musical film work? Have a great weekend.

Maurice Vaughan

That's great that you found a collaborator because of IYW, Lenny Levy! That shows the power of IYW.

I checked out your profile and saw your loglines. Have you thought about making posters for your scripts or getting someone to make them? Script posters draw producers, directors, etc. to scripts like movie posters draw audiences to movies.

Emily J

Hi Lenny Levy! So glad that you're here! How did you connect with your collaborator?

Lenny Levy

Emily, I posted on here and my collaborator responded. I sent him a set of lyrics and he is working on the music.

Lenny Levy

Geoff, this is just a set of song lyrics, not tied to any of my musical shows.

Lenny Levy

Maurice, I just got Final Draft and am moving my plays and movie scripts over. So I'm not at a point to look into getting posters. Thanks for the suggestion.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Lenny Levy. When you're ready to make posters, I suggest using Canva.

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