Introduce Yourself : Hello all... I'm working on my first screenplay ever! by Vanesa Castillo

Vanesa Castillo

Hello all... I'm working on my first screenplay ever!

Hi all, hope you're all having a great weekend. I'd like to introduce myself briefly. I live in London and have worked nearly 18 years in Editorial, Social Media and Creative Production for different clients withing publishing and entertainment. I now feel ready to take my creative endeavours further and I'm on a mission to write my first screenplay, a romantic comedy. If you are in London, it'd be great to connect and hopefully we can exchange information and ideas. I also plan a trip to LA soon and it'd be a great opportunity to meet up with new people. Thanks for your time and have a lovely day. Vanesa

Nick Phillips

Good for you! Getting that first screenplay going is the first step in what I'm sure will be an amazing journey into filmmaking Vanesa Castillo!

Vanesa Castillo

Thanks, Nick! :)

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Vanesa Castillo. I'm having a great weekend. Hope you are too.

Congratulations on embarking on writing your first screenplay! Here's a blog for up-and-coming screenwriters:

Stage 32 has a lot of other great screenwriting resources:

Screenwriting Lounge:

Screenwriting Blogs:

Screenwriting Education:

Script Services:

Ashley Renee Smith

Welcome, Vanesa Castillo! The best way to network here on Stage 32, is to be more involved and active within the lounges on a regular basis. That’s the best way to be seen and noticed. The most effective networking comes from building genuine relationships over time.

Be sure to check out this great blog about all the ways you can make the most out of your time here on Stage 32, following Introduce Yourself Weekend:

Richard M Kjeldgaard

Great. Enjoy the journey!! That's what screenwriting is.

Sam Rivera

Greetings from Southern California Vanesa Castillo! Your career sounds like a great journey and very excited to see your transition into screenwriting! London is the rom-com city in my opinion!

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