Introduce Yourself : Wannabe professional screenwriter and show business expert by Miroslavas Siniavskis

Miroslavas Siniavskis

Wannabe professional screenwriter and show business expert

Hello everyone,

I would love to be in cinema business as high as it can get. However I have obvious limitations related with the ability to fulfil my writings to make them ready for the market on my own and I have never participated in a movie set aside from playing few extra roles many years ago when I have nothing to do with screenwriting.

My strengths are the ability to fast write questionable quality drafts which can become original stories which are worthy to pursue, being outgoing personality always loving to socialise with anyone and being crazy enough to not reject any ideas leaving that to the gatekeepers.

My favourite genre is a comedy, however I have 3 superheroes projects seeing them as great significant of mainstream culture with perfect business capitalisation possibilities which at this point in my life I am always prioritising before creating what I love the most. Loglines are in my portfolio.

Here I hope to get know anyone who works with cinema in any form, be a platform user which with his small participation makes it better (hope this goal is not too challenging :D) and I dream to sell my writings for realisation.

Ian Cahill

welcome to the community. So as I read your post, a thought came to mind. The basic fundamentals of walking a path to success are true in all forms of life. I’m a composer with big ambitions and goals, like yourself as a screenwriter. The past four years have been filled with more growth and achievements in my career than I had the years past. Which a huge part of this was my mindset, and relationships with like minded people.

With this in mind as I read your post. May I suggest collaborative projects. Working on developing a screenplay with another screenwriter. this would help with building your network and getting closer to the stage where you will start living in your dreams

Miroslavas Siniavskis

Thank You, Ian! Actually that's similar to one of my movies about a writer's pursuit for the first success! :D I decided to write a movie about literature with basic scenes and locations in case I will not be successful with pop culture products on higher end of budgets like Superhero sci-fi genre :) To be honest, if not money, I would never be writing cinema for longer than one project. Also when writing it I was money driven as much as creative driven, if not more, because otherwise I would probably choose to make it Lithuanian and about Lithuania despite our relatively small market.

What have you composed and wrote? Where can I familiarise myself with your style?

I am also screenwriting for about 4 or maybe 5 years. Those years were the worse in my life imaginable but I guess I went all-in to achieve success in cinema sacrificing happiness and well-being. I would never offer that to anyone. I thought it will be as easy as any carrier when you have mainstream influencers capitalising with you. However this time clearly shows how I don't get not only cinema industry rules but the economics as science too.

So if such negativity is not scaring you off - when I am working with others I would rather be happy idiot to positive everything up, than be honest with spitting fire :D - please suggest anyone you know who is looking for collaborations or who might be good fit for me?

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Miroslavas Siniavskis. I love watching Comedy. It's probably my #1 or #2 favorite genre to watch. I've started writing more Comedy lately. What's one of your favorite Comedy movies?

Amanda Toney

It’s great to meet you Miroslavas! What comedy inspires your writing? I wanted to recommend a great interview with our fearless leader Richard Botto that will help you along your journey:

Sam Rivera

Hi Miroslavas Siniavskis welcome to Stage 32 and thank your for sharing your processes with us!

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